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VGG-Face人脸识别数据集 该数据集由 2,622 个身份组成。每个身份都有一个关联的文本文件,其中包含图像和相应面部检测的 URL。下载数据前请仔细阅读许可...Face Classification
111M 1059
300个正方形,圆形和三角形的图像数据集 形状有很多不同的类型,因此能够区分它们很重要;专为初学者学习神经网络而设计的数据集。...Image Search Classification
402K 893
ChestXRay2017胸腔X射线透视图数据集 ChestXRay2017数据集共包含5856张胸腔X射线透视图,诊断结果(即分类标签)主要分为正常和肺炎,其中肺炎又可以细分为:细菌性肺...X-Ray 2D Box
1.14G 519
​Fruits 360 水果蔬菜数据集 Fruits 360数据集包含水果和蔬菜的高质量图像数据集。包括以下水果和蔬菜:苹果(不同品种:深红色雪,金黄色,金红色,奶奶史密...Smart Retailing 2D Box
731.55M 1538
MIT多个摄像机视觉轨迹数据集 MIT trajectory data set is for the research of activity analysis in multiple single camera view using the trajectories o...Environment 2D Box
4.59M 920
Cars Dataset 汽车数据集 Cars 数据集包含 196 类汽车的 16,185 张图像。数据分为 8,144 张训练图像和 8,041 张测试图像,其中每个类别大致分为 50-50 个...Autonomous Driving 2D Keypoints
1.82G 1764
DeepFashion数据集,一个大型服装数据集 We contribute DeepFashion database, a large-scale clothes database, which has several appealing properties:1、First, Dee...Fashion 2D Cuboid,2D Keypoints
57.9G 2832
深度卷积网络-人脸点检测数据集 This web page provides the executable files and datasets of our CVPR 2013 paper, so that researchers can repeat our expe...Face 2D Keypoints
217.9M 1029
CUHK Face Sketch Database (XM2GTS) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Cuboid
17.25M 663
CUHK Face Sketch Database (AR ) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Box
5.16M 713
CUHK student Face Sketch Database CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Box
18M 572
香港中文大学人脸素描数据集CUFSF CUHK Face Sketch FERET Database (CUFSF) is for research on face sketchsynthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes...Face 2D Box
84.3M 1279
CUHK Image Cropping Dataset Image cropping is a common operation used to improve the visual quality of photographsThis dataset was used in this pape...Plant 2D Box
76.8M 695
DeepFashion: Attribute Prediction Category and Attribute Prediction Benchmark evaluates the performance of clothing category and attribute prediction. Thi...Fashion 2D Box
57.9G 1085
Indoor Multi-Camera Pedestrian Datasets We provide several multi-camera dataset for detection and tracking of multiple pedestrians captured within our laborator...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
451M 480
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset 450S This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
16.7M 556
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset(Multi person trajectory camera) This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection 3D Box Tracking
990M 552
Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation This page provides downloads for our BMVC'15 paper Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting Uncertainti...Action/Event Detection Pose
25.3M 337
Labeled Faces in the Wild Welcome to Labeled Faces in the Wild, a database of face photographsdesigned for studying the problem of unconstrained f...Face 2D Box
172.2M 441
CMU-MIT face database CMU-MIT is a data set collected by Carnegie Mellon University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All pictures ar...Face 2D Box
29.3M 1063