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COVID-19 开放研究数据集(2022年1月 ) CORD-19更新数据,2022年1月份。Dataset LicenseCiting CORD-19:When including CORD-19 data in a publication or redistributi...Medical Classification
9.9G 796
subsub22 Others Classification
13.05M 423
mobilenet 1 0 224 tf.h5 Others Classification
16.43M 474
base220 Others Classification
1272.8M 418
hh22222 Others Classification
14.69M 857
1922年至2011年歌曲的音频特征 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Music Classification
422.88M 670
5228 输入 Others Classification
0.94M 328
k cls1 32 222k Others Classification
3873.58M 295
Xrays 宝箱 224 小 8 月少值选择 Dentistry Classification
1034.8M 630
224 v2 Others Classification
9455.69M 510
xrayschest -224 mlp Others Classification
2326.32M 272
xrayschest224 sblapo Others Classification
2137.29M 214
xrayschest 224sla Others Classification
860.96M 470
提交22 Others Classification
17.39M 473
2222222 Others Classification
13.78M 185
猫布斯特 1223 Animal Classification
18.08M 247
imet 内核切片密度169 224 Others Classification
1106.29M 210
输入 0522 Others Classification
0.16M 201
斯坦福汽车数据集图像在 224x224 Image Data Classification
1253.11M 266
ep22018 Others Classification
1.13M 157