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巴西的科技新闻,数据集包含巴西媒体发布的大约 2720条新闻 This dataset was provided by Miti Inteligência, a company specialized in monitoring news and social media established i...NLP,News,Text Data,Text Mining,Science and Technology Classification
44.47M 320
斯坦福GloVe 200d数据集,转化为word2vec格式数据 Is the Stanford GloVe 200d dataset converted to word2vec format...NLP,Computer Science Classification
661.31M 708
维基百科Word2Vec,Apache Spark word2vec由200K维基百科页面培训 I used Apache Spark to extract more than 6 million phrases from 200,000 English Wikipedia pages. Here is the process of...NLP,Business,Earth and Nature,Text Mining Classification
132.74M 419
阿拉伯诗歌资料集(6 21世纪) NLP,Literature Classification
90.3M 418
法国2019年全国大辩论的公开数据 Deux catégories de réponses comprenant quatre différents fichiers CSV:Quatre csv contenant les réponses de personnes...NLP,Text Data,Economics Classification
1.49G 752
汽车消费者汽车评级和评论,数据集包含 62 个主要品牌的数据 This is a dataset containing consumer's thought and the star rating of car manufacturer/model/type.Content-Currently...Automobiles and Vehicles,Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
137.62M 775
蔬菜(谷歌Word2Sec新闻) Vegetables (Google Word2Vec News)...NLP,News Classification
3.73M 717
印度政治新闻2018 Politics,NLP,Text Data,Linguistics,India Classification
57.35M 287
reddit向量数据集,用于训练 sence2vec模型 Sence2vec word embeddings model works better than word2vec , since it utilises contextual information from words.This re...NLP,Computer Science,Text Data,spaCy Classification
635.76M 457
Stack Overflow 2018 问题数据集 In this dataset, we explore StackOverflow questions and try to use unsupervised algorithms to extract tags, then train c...NLP,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification Classification
230.27M 442
普莱诺斯总督 埃里总统2018年 NLP,Brazil Classification
16.5M 588
SARS-CoV-2主要蛋白酶3D打印模型数据集 一个打印SARS-CoV-2主要蛋白酶的3D模型来自我们关于公平共享分子可视化经验的论文。...Others Classification
17.71M 810
DAGM 2007 competition Others 2D Polygon
0 358
WebLogo 2M Others 2D Box
0 610
Yoga-82 Others Classification
0 542
TED-LIUMv2 Others Audio
0 660
comma2k19 Others Classification
0 413
D2-City Others 2D Box
0 807
AFLW2K3D 一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集 AFLW2000-3D 是一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集,这些图像已使用图像级 68 点 3D 面部标志进行注释。该数据集通常用于评估 3D 面部...Person,Face 3D Keypoints
83.36M 550
VGGFace2 Others 2D Box,Classification,2D Keypoints
37.26G 513