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gpt2 大 345M Others Classification
1451.02M 254
波普拉#xE7;#xE3;o por raça e cor do ano 2010 没有巴西 Arts and Entertainment,Travel,Cooking and Recipes Classification
0.01M 222
38.24M 242
美国恐怖主义,2001年至今 Crime,History Classification
0.08M 337
125,000 雷迪特评论糖尿病 Business,Education,Diabetes Classification
61.45M 469
车辆燃油经济性估计, 1984 2017 #内容EPA燃油经济性评估的目的是为比较车辆提供可靠的依据。数据库中的大多数车辆(除插电式混合动力车外)都有三种燃油经济性估...Business,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.1M 382
dm 2018fall 实验室 2 Nthu Others Classification
0.92M 287
斯坦福汽车数据集图像在 224x224 Image Data Classification
1253.11M 288
维图里洛·切尔维奇 2017 Others Classification
64.13M 244
894.06M 456
894.05M 594
手套.42B.300d.txt Others Classification
4792.24M 307
序列 320 Others Classification
4475.28M 230
ResNet34Multi1024 Others Classification
3166.17M 675
test2final1 Others Classification
7.49M 219
情绪与#x2B;推特 Arts and Entertainment Classification
3.78M 228
拉利加 2018/19 赛季球员统计 Computer Science,Programming,Sports,Football Classification
0.21M 384
ppb062 Others Classification
0.59M 287
美元 PKR 历史数据 1999 2019 Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Beginner Classification
0.26M 200
2018 年 9 月唐纳德·特朗普相关推文 Email and Messaging,Politics Classification
1.11M 316