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CUHK Face Sketch Database (XM2GTS) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Cuboid
17.25M 894
ADE20K 生活场景数据集 带注释的图像涵盖了来自 SUN 和 Places 数据库的场景类别。这里有一些示例显示图像、对象分割和部分分割:下一个可视化提供了对...Environment,Environment 2D Box
3.77G 1460
St Petersburg INCART 12-lead Arrhythmia Database This database consists of 75 annotated recordings extracted from 32 Holter records. Each record is 30 minutes long and c...Medical 2D Box
563.5M 984
Caltech 256 We introduce a challenging set of 256object categories containing a total of 30607 images. The originalCaltech-101 was c...Others Classification
1.1G 626
RP2K Pipeline of our data collection process. Our photo collectors were first distributed in over 500 different retail stores...Smart Retailing Classification
5.9G 1125
Kinect2 Human Pose Dataset (K2HPD) Kinect2 Human PoseDataset (K2HPD) includes about 100K depth images with various human poses under challenging scenarios....Person 2D Semantic Segmentation,2D Keypoints
1.55G 2185
德黑兰大学问题数据集2016(UTQD.2016)数据集 Mohammad Razzaghnoori/Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Science, University of Tehran/m....N/A Classification
107K 868
UJI笔字符(第2版)数据集 F. Prat(*), M. J. Castro(+), D. Llorens(*), A. Marzal(*), and J. M. Vilar(*)* Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Infor...Computer Classification
2.03M 912
出租车服务轨迹-预测挑战,ECMLPKDD2015数据集 Challenge Chair: Luis Moreira-MatiasSteering Committee: - Michel Ferreira - Joao Mendes-Moreiratst.challenge '@'...Automobiles and Vehicles Clustering
509M 827
来自谷歌中欧洲24个类别的景点进行评论数据集 Shini Renjith, shinirenjith '@' gmail.comData Set Information:This data set is populated by capturing user ratin...N/A Classification
622K 889
SPECT心脏数据集,267个SPE CT图像集(患者)的数据库 Data Set Information:数据集描述了心脏单质子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)图像的诊断。每个患者分为两类:正常和异常。对267个S...Life Classification
27K 2151
SML2010数据集 温度、湿度、天气(包含风、雨等) Dr. Francisco Zamora-Martinez, Pablo Romeu-Guallart, Dr. Juan Pardo.francisco.zamora '@' uch.ceu.esEmbedded Syst...Computer Regression
202K 1074
路透社21578文本分类收集数据集 David D. LewisATT Labs - Research lewis '@' research.att.comdocuments came from Reuters newswire in 1987.Data Se...Agriculture Classification
7.8M 2892
路透社RCV1 RCV2多语言、多视图文本分类测试收集数据集 Massih-Reza AminiUniversit?? Joseph FourierLaboratoire d'Informatique de GrenobleEmail : Massih-Reza.Amini '@...Life Classification
159M 1031
实时选举结果:葡萄牙2019年数据集 Nuno MonizLIAAD - INESC Tec; Sciences College, University of PortoEmail: nmmoniz '@' inesctec.ptData Set Informa...Social Regression
1.1M 608
定性破产数据集 250个实例 Source Information-- Creator : Mr.A.Martin(jayamartin '@' Mr.J.Uthayakumar (uthayakumar17691 '@&#...Computer Classification
3.5K 657
PAMAP2 体力活动监测数据集 Data Set Information:PAMAP2体力活动监测数据集包含9名佩戴3个惯性测量装置和心率监测器的受试者进行的18种不同体力活动(如步...Health Classification
656M 1996
美国国家健康和安全基金会NSF研究奖摘要1990-2003数据集 Original Owner and DonorAbstracts provided by:Michael J. PazzaniICS Department, School of Computer Science, UCI, Irvine...Computer Classification
208.12M 1007
NIPS会议论文1987-2015数据集,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文 Data Set Information:数据集采用11463 x 5812字数矩阵的形式,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文(第一列包含单词列表)。每...Computer Clustering
127M 628
213个微生物菌株获得的571个质谱数据集 Data Set Information:该MALDI-TOF数据集包括:A) 一个由20种革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌组成的参考小组,涵盖9个属,其中有几种已知...Life Classification
1.51M 746