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1000万行土耳其市场销售数据集,包含27万件商品81家商店10万名顾客 具有群集列存储索引的1000万行MSSQL备份文件。 此数据集包含 -27K分类土耳其超市商品。 -81家商店(土耳其每个城市都有一家商店...Others,Image Search Text
422M 1204
苏州科技大学超话情感分析 1000条数据 苏州科技大学超话情感分析内容情感得分分析结果#随手拍#苏农苏农0.436778733消极有话快说0.687524065积极马上第14周了,书本费不...NLP Text
0.09M 649
MNIST皮肤癌检查图像数据:HAM10000 大量皮肤色素沉着病变的多源皮肤镜检查图像另一个比数字分类数据集更有趣的数据集,可用于使生物学和医学专业的学生对机器学习和...Medical Classification
2.61G 2672
财富1000强(2018) Business,Finance,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
0.21M 461
0.26M 507
1000年,Netflix显示 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.08M 423
rs1000 rs500(检查) Others Classification
16.68M 434
Yelp评论1000 Ratings and Reviews Classification
0.72M 372
1000 个摄像机数据集,描述13处房产中1000个摄像头的数据 Some camera enthusiast went and described 1,000 cameras based on 13 properties!ContentRow one describes the datatype for...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Electronics Classification
0.08M 464
NSE 上市 1000+公司与#x27;历史数据 Business,Finance,Investing,Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence Classification
67.04M 311
雷迪特前 1000 帖子 Internet,Tabular Data Classification
9.61M 650
狗猫图片,10000 张狗和猫的图像 狗猫图片,10000 张狗和猫的图像...Animal Classification
217.95M 444
rs1000 压缩 Others Classification
538.79M 564
加密货币价格集合,1000多种不同加密货币 This file contains the values of the price for more than 1000 different cryptocurrencies (including scams) recorded on d...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
197.53M 301
1000 个平行句子 Linguistics,Languages Classification
0.26M 283
1000 名高尔夫球手历史 Earth and Nature,Sports,Golf Classification
24.35M 212
带一个图像文件夹的 MNIST1000 Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
2642.42M 293
财富 1000 Arts and Entertainment,News,Religion and Belief Systems,Literature Classification
0.08M 232
糖尿病 1000 Diabetes Classification
1070.21M 293
YouTube频道~100000 Internet Classification
64.61M 226