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2000-2016年能量数据集(突尼斯) Earth and Nature Classification
0M 460
女婴姓名 2014 2016 Others Classification
0.42M 154
布拉特 13aug Others Classification
18.08M 187
布拉特 13 Others Classification
4.09M 212
自定义 CNN 1 CNN Classification
8.83M 168
mnist 6w 1w Others Classification
122.01M 315
bo sp 2016 Others Classification
2.77M 163
纽约天气 2009 2015 Others Classification
20.62M 234
联阵 2017 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.02M 221
坎达托斯2018v1 Arts and Entertainment,Software Classification
30.81M 417
HMDB51 Others Classification
13653.6M 355
行人脚瀑布 2013 Others Classification
1.76M 190
NBA 球员数据 2017 Sports,Basketball Classification
0.04M 269
ZAR:美元汇率,兰特/美元月汇率 2008-2017 This dataset was collected from the International Monetary Fund website. It contains monthly values for the Rand/Dollar...Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
20K 295
myici1 Others Classification
7030.28M 158
1988年奥斯卡最佳影片奖得主 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0M 181
熊猫备忘单 2018 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.02M 271
ResNext101 64 Others Classification
319.19M 138
15890M 150
imet2019 培训 23 Others Classification
715.56M 125