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霍华德 11 Others Classification
86.36M 228
ymm makefile0703 L1l2 Others Classification
56.08M 234
欧元 1分钟 数据 Others Classification
30.9M 221
10.03M 277
213K 星从盖亚 DR2 Science and Technology,Astronomy Classification
105.48M 569
2016年经合组织税负 Others Classification
2K 251
足球转会 2007 - 2017 Football Classification
0.6M 288
IEEE CIS 流程发现竞赛 @ BPM 2016 Business,Computer Science,Data Visualization,Science and Technology,Data Cleaning,Bigquery Classification
16.94M 533
参加家庭考试 1 201736034 数据集 Standardized Testing Classification
0M 300
7年巴西甲级联赛(2012-2018) Sports,Football,Brazil Classification
0.14M 291
安德鲁练习1 Others Classification
2K 226
xgboost 157 mae Others Classification
0.32M 222
欧元-美元历史数据(2002-2017年1分钟间隔) Business,Finance,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
371.64M 241
2008-2017年玉米和大豆价格数据集,美国农业部 WASDE 月度预测的价格 The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issues a monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) report...Agriculture,Business,Food Classification
486K 516
FAT2019 多预处理封装 Earth and Nature,Standardized Testing,Audio Data Classification
8861.68M 565
imet 内核切片密度169 224 Others Classification
1106.29M 240
0724 初始微调 nRRC 1ch Others Classification
469.84M 223
0.55M 301
1 代神奇宝贝 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.02M 171
893.89M 256