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移动互联网1 Others Classification
16131.5M 242
德内梅 1 Others Classification
0.01M 640
世界#x2019 50家最佳餐厅 Data Visualization,Beginner,Restaurants Classification
0M 244
csc555 p1 Others Classification
17.43M 234
2013-2017 NYC ELA 结果 Education Classification
6.88M 356
2013-2017 NYC 数学成绩 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
6.86M 322
戴森安 · 塞蒂候选人 Dr1 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Astronomy Classification
27.86M 207
Python 开发人员 Survery 2017 Computer Science,Software,Programming,Demographics,Survey Analysis Classification
10.5M 270
2008-2018年斯科普里空气污染 Earth and Nature,Health,Environment,Pollution Classification
22.29M 275
1998年国民教育纵向调查 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
1.44M 621
底特律犯罪事件(2009-2016) Others Classification
229.12M 659
2015年的空气污染物数据集 2015年的空气污染物数据集...Environment,Environment,Aviation Classification
4.9M 350
1K 248
0.02M 290
0.06M 279
数据集11 Others Classification
4.66M 224
货币汇率,1995 年至 2018 年 51 种货币的每日汇率 This dataset contains the daily currency exchange rates as reported to the International Monetary Fund by the issuing ce...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
1.7M 327
2013 - 2018 人口快照区 Social Science Classification
1.53M 212
2017 2018 SHSAT 入学考试由学校提供 Arts and Entertainment,Education,Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges,Games,Socrata,Demographics Classification
0.04M 615
6787.53M 307