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cb 2017 florida tract 500k Others Classification
3.35M 689
cb 2017加州地块500k Others Classification
6.92M 399
8.73M 434
出版和使用报告,1998-2017-10 (BR) Brazil,Research Classification
982.05M 660
final123 Others Classification
0.88M 411
russia-pollens-may2019 Medicine Classification
1.92M 441
2014年海洋-空气中甲烷和二氧化碳的通量 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Data Visualization,Geospatial Analysis,Atmospheric Science,Geography,Chemistry Classification
4.59M 384
Reddit 2019年02 Others Classification
13389.2M 784
斯隆数字巡天DR14 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Classification,Data Visualization,Multiclass Classification,Astronomy,Physics,Decision Tree Classification
1.32M 347
TFF 2017-2018赛季数据 Football Classification
0.06M 404
谷歌地标挑战2019 ResNet50 Others Classification
1509.07M 508
0.69M 367
cifar-10-batches-py Others Classification
177.59M 455
5000年tmdb movies1 Movies and TV Shows Classification
38.19M 415
stylizedTIN1 Others Classification
180.6M 420
4017个短篇小说的VAD+C和doc_vecs的得分数据集 4017个短篇小说的VAD+C和doc_vecs的得分。文档嵌入和情感的价值、唤醒、支配性+具体性...Computer Science,Literature,Languages Classification
140M 481
CSS 2019进展 Earth and Nature,Internet Classification
0M 347
TRY - USD (2002-2018) Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.19M 341
JMP dtaset发布的Kaggle 2018性别薪酬差距调查 Business,Computer Science Classification
116.76M 734
2018年芝加哥员工工资 Finance,Economics,Cities and Urban Areas,Employment Classification
2.2M 346