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16个化学传感器6种气体 不同浓度下的气体传感器阵列漂移数据集 Data Set Information:This data set contains 13,910 measurements from 16 chemical sensors exposed to 6 gases at different...Computer Classification
9.6M 1118
气体传感器阵列漂移数据集数据集 16个化学传感器的13910个测量值 Data Set Information:This archive contains 13910 measurements from 16 chemical sensors utilized in simulations for drift...Computer Classification
9.53M 1923
352个从不同来源收集的双变量数值数据集 Data Set Information:[Please note the use of Latex format here for algebraic expressions. See Leslie Lamport, Latex: A D...Physical Text
52K 640
国家的标志数据集,可用国旗的颜色来预测该国的宗教信仰 Data Set Information:This data file contains details of various nations and their flags. In this file the fields are sep...N/A Classification
5M 730
基于双盲听力测试和、四位专业大师音乐家数据集 Name: Mehmet Vurka?§, Ph.D.E-mail address: mehmet.vurkac '@', mehmet.vurkac '@', engi...Music Analysis Classification
433K 572
生育率、疾病数据集 Attribute Information:Season in which the analysis was performed. 1) winter, 2) spring, 3) Summer, 4) fall. (-1, -0.33,...Life Classification
2K 1214
Facebook化妆品品牌相关数据集 Created by: S??rgio Moro, Paulo Rita and Bernardo Vala (ISCTE-IUL) @ 2016Data Set Information:The data is related to pos...Business Regression
15.9K 716
Facebook泰国实时卖家数据集 Nassim Dehouche, Mahidol University International College, nassim.deh '@' mahidol.eduData Set Information:The va...Business Clustering
358K 786
Facebook大页面网络数据集 Benedek Rozemberczkibenedek.rozemberczki '@' gmail.comThe University of EdinburghData Set Information:Node featu...Social Classification
1.7M 599
Facebook评论数据集 Data Set Information:The Dataset is uploaded in ZIP format. The dataset contains 5 variants of the dataset, for the deta...Social Regression
18.2M 1066
冠心病患者分类数据集 Data Set Information:Each patient could be in two possible categories CAD or Normal. A patient is categorized as CAD, if...Medical,Life Classification
128K 771
Exasens数据集,包括在Exasens内的4组唾液样本(COPD哮喘感染HC)的人口统计数据 Data Set Information:The Exasens dataset includes demographic information on 4 groups of saliva samples (COPD-Asthma-Inf...Medical Classification
13.7K 676
癫痫发作识别数据集 This dataset is a pre-processed and re-structured/reshaped version of a very commonly used dataset featuring epileptic seizure detection. ...Life Classification, Clustering
0M 713
能源效率数据集,12种不同建筑物形状进行能量分析 Data Set Information:We perform energy analysis using 12 different building shapes simulated in Ecotect. The buildings d...Computer Classification
74.4K 711
肌电图物理动作数据集(心理学和生理学数据) Data Set Information:1. Protocol:Three male and one female subjects (age 25 to 30), who have experienced aggression in s...Physical Classification
17.7M 1027
电力负荷图2011-2014数据集 Data Set Information:Data set has no missing values.Values are in kW of each 15 min. To convert values in kWh values mus...Computer Regression
249M 2245
《欧洲物理杂志》电网稳定性模拟数据集 Data Set Information:The analysis is performed for different sets of input values using the methodology similar to that...Physical Classification
2.3M 683
厄尔尼诺数据集,通过国际热带海洋全球大气(TOGA)计划获得 Data Set Information:这些数据是通过国际热带海洋全球大气(TOGA)计划开发的热带大气-海洋(TAO)阵列收集的。TAO阵列由横跨赤...Environment Classification
2.68M 686
脑电稳态视觉诱发电位信号数据集,可用于视觉图像搜索 该数据库是通过使用商业设备对30名受试者进行实验获得的,以部分满足博士学位的要求。计算机科学候选人:Fernandez Fraga S.M.,...Life Classification
37.3M 701
Emotiv EEG 眼睛状态数据集 Oliver Roesler, it12148 '@' , Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), St...Medical Classification
1.6M 794