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葡萄酒质量数据集(白酒和红酒) 葡萄酒质量数据集(白酒和红酒)...Alcohol Classification
330K 247
红酒质量 Alcohol Classification
0.09M 221
来自 UCI 的种子 Food,Beginner,Clustering Classification
0.01M 189
啤酒消费 - 圣保罗,预测啤酒消费量数据集 Beer is one of the most democratic and consumed drinks in the world. Not without reason, it is perfect for almost every...Beginner,News,Linear Regression,Alcohol Classification
20M 451
葡萄酒数据集 Alcohol Classification
0.34M 229
词袋满足爆米花袋:) Psychology Classification
127.64M 415
100多种食品的测试、训练图像数据集 100多种食品的测试、训练图像数据集包含信息:apple_piebaby_back_ribsbaklavabeef_carpacciobeef_tartarebeet_saladbeignetsbib...Food Classification
5.12G 597
马铃薯定价数据集,马铃薯定价的分析 马铃薯定价数据集,马铃薯定价的分析...Business,Food Classification
3.67M 291
伏特加酒子集 Alcohol Classification
740.79M 142
餐厅访客数据集 Restaurants Classification
69.8M 201
苏格兰威士忌得分 Alcohol Classification
0.37M 163
用于对象检测的水果图像,含有标记的水果图像,用于训练物体检测系统 This dataset is the data used in this project.ContextA different dataset for object detection. 240 images in train folde...Image Data,Food,Computer Vision Classification
29.72M 408
世界#x2019 50家最佳餐厅 Data Visualization,Beginner,Restaurants Classification
0M 171
西瓜数据集(包含色泽、根蒂、敲声、纹理、脐部、触感等) 西瓜数据集(包含色泽、根蒂、敲声、纹理、脐部、触感等)...Earth and Nature Classification
3K 475
圣地亚哥的伯里托斯 Restaurants,Cooking and Recipes Classification
0.07M 163
葡萄酒质量 Alcohol Classification
0.39M 164
餐厅巴勒莫 Restaurants,Cooking and Recipes Classification
0.13M 220
水果 Food Classification
0M 541
词袋满足爆米花袋 Others Classification
32M 139
词袋满足爆米花袋 Others Classification
127.38M 343