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Keras 预训练模型(无顶部) Others Classification
197.82M 228
pytorch - 预训练 - 贝特 Earth and Nature Classification
2.57M 194
预训练模型 Others Classification
1069.92M 509
pytorch - 预训练 - 贝特 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.57M 208
pytorch 预训练的 bert=v0.6.0 Others Classification
0.29M 211
ResNet152 预训练重量张量流 Others Classification
231.91M 548
贝特预训练 Arts and Entertainment,NLP,Text Data Classification
4477.46M 411
预训练模型权重 Exercise Classification
958.64M 308
Elmo Nlp 的预训练重量 NLP,Deep Learning Classification
873.01M 479
PyTorch 1.0.0预训练的图像模型 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Online Communities,Programming,Transportation,Image Data,Deep Learning Classification
289.36M 251
科学预训练模型 Earth and Nature,Health,NLP,Text Data,Healthcare,spaCy Classification
586.45M 266
皮托克预训练伯特 Others Classification
583.35M 28
预训练狗识别 Animal Classification
208.83M 562
GPT2预训练模型(Pytorch) NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11539.5M 637
BERT预训练模型(Tensorflow) NLP,Deep Learning Classification
12523.1M 610
伯特预训练模型(Pytorch) Arts and Entertainment,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11895.8M 244
xlmr大预训练 Law,NLP Classification
2136.3M 256
张量流的ALBERT预训练参数 Earth and Nature,NLP Classification
349.26M 243
预训练质量保证模型 Computer Science,NLP Classification
1806.62M 252
Facebook发布的300维预训练FastText英语单词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
4.52G 346