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CTR数据集 点击率预测数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Sulabh Shrestha# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
148.56M 362
0.09M 292
银行贷款预测数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Omkar ParabReleased under World Bank Dataset Terms of Use# ContentsIt contains the...Lending Classification
8.14M 415
贷款预测数据 Lending Classification
0.06M 495
五历史 NCAA 预测数据 Business,Basketball Classification
0.01M 258
房价预测数据集(包含训练和测试数据集) 房价预测数据集(包含训练和测试数据集)...Business Classification
890K 759
自由声音预测数据(2D Conv 减少 LR) Earth and Nature Classification
33.27M 214
学生成绩预测数据 This data approach student achievement in secondary education of two Portuguese schools. The data attributes include stu...Beginner,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis,Earth and Nature,Education,Linear Regression,Automobiles and Vehicles,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
41K 679
预测数据 Others Classification
0.16M 220
自由声音预测数据 Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems,Classification,Deep Learning Classification
33.24M 176
汽车预测数据 Others Classification
65.12M 209
示例保险索赔预测数据 Insurance Classification
0.08M 488
274.52M 219
太阳能预测数据 太阳能预测数据集...Renewable Energy Classification
2.82M 348
wallmart 销售预测数据 News,Finance Classification
15.29M 253
棋盘游戏预测数据 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Random Forest Classification
6.68M 218
噪声信号预测数据 这是我为演示信号预测而创建的数据集。你可以尝试在这里解决一系列实际练习:- and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming Classification
160K 582
桑坦德客户事务预测数据 Business,Finance,Investing Classification
575.69M 536
哥斯达黎加家庭贫困水平预测数据 哥斯达黎加家庭贫困水平预测...Life Classification
543K 638
JRC 预测数据 Europe Classification
112.63M 271