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2019数据智能算法大赛-商家客户购买转化率预测数据集 购买转化率是品牌商家在电商平台运营时最关注的指标之一,本次大赛中云积互动提供了品牌商家的历史订单数据,参赛选手通过人工智...Business Classification
38.9M 764
家庭用电能源预测数据集 Data Set Information:数据集为10分钟,持续约4.5个月。通过ZigBee无线传感器网络监测室内温度和湿度状况。每个无线节点传输大约...Industry Regression
11.4M 999
糖尿病风险预测数据集 糖尿病风险预测数据集...Deep Learning,AutoML Text
9.4K 980
2019年CCF大数据与计算智能大赛乘用车细分市场销量预测数据集 2019年CCF大数据与计算智能大赛乘用车细分市场销量预测冠军解决方案共使用一个lgb模型与一个规则模型进行融合,总运行时长约3min...Vehicle Classification
745K 815
股票价格预测数据集 Data Set Information:在预测股票价格时,你会收集某个时间段的数据——天、周、月等,但你不能利用某个时间段的数据,直到该时...Business Classification
34.3K 940
离婚预测数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:1. If one of us apologiz...Life Classification
32.3K 958
社区和犯罪预测数据集,涉及分析警察的人均人数和分配 Data Set Information:Many variables are included so that algorithms that select or learn weights for attributes cou...Social Regression
250K 1198
Twitter和Tom's Hardware社交媒体中的嗡嗡声预测数据集 This dataset contains two different social networks: Twitter, a micro-blogging platform with exponential growthand extre...Computer Regression
33.3M 699
梅卡里评估者预测数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jan Bodnar# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
9.74M 582
零售中的购买价格预测数据集 零售中的购买价格预测数据集,包含分类、品牌等信息...Business Classification
469.2M 667
股价走势预测数据集,用技术指标预测近期的股票趋势(上涨或下跌) ContextThere's a story behind every dataset and here's your opportunity to share yours.ContentWhat's inside...Business Classification
248.4K 501
0.78M 438
人类活动状态序列预测数据集,预测人类活动状态 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Franz Hell# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Earth and Nature Classification
7.6K 722
乳腺癌预测数据集 Online Communities,Cancer,Data Cleaning,Binary Classification,Artificial Intelligence Classification
0.02M 489
《泰坦尼克号》预测数据集 Others Classification
3K 465
用户信贷预测数据集 用户信贷预测数据集...Person,Business Classification
1.1G 635
贷款违约预测数据集 贷款违约预测数据集...Person,Business Classification
487.29M 448
CTR数据集 点击率预测数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Sulabh Shrestha# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
148.56M 391
银行贷款预测数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Omkar ParabReleased under World Bank Dataset Terms of Use# ContentsIt contains the...Lending Classification
8.14M 443
贷款预测数据集 Lending Classification
0.06M 561