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纽约曼哈顿下城零售 Earth and Nature,Retail and Shopping,Socrata Classification
0.25M 279
仓库和零售销售 Business Classification
10.82M 291
蒸汽审查数据集 Internet,Retail and Shopping,Video Games,Ratings and Reviews Classification
115.13M 576
Dratings ncaa 男性评级 2019 Retail and Shopping,Sports,Basketball Classification
0.01M 664
amir消费特征数据集 amir消费特征数据集...Business,Data Analytics Classification
1.11G 356
微软冒险工作周期客户数据 Retail and Shopping,Cycling Classification
3.39M 415
大市场销售数据集 大市场销售数据集...Retail and Shopping Classification
1.33M 667
尼斯骑明尼苏达州 2017 Retail and Shopping,Sports,Travel,Weather and Climate,Cycling Classification
45.42M 524
商城客户 Computer Science,Retail and Shopping,Clustering,K-Means Classification
0M 311
2016-2017年零售销售数据 Business Classification
4.39M 228
NYS 零售食品店检查,当前评级 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
7.84M 226
在线零售 Retail and Shopping Classification
18.67M 291
数字游牧民族 Retail and Shopping Classification
0.1M 235
数据产品名称 印度尼西亚拉扎达 Retail and Shopping Classification
0.79M 595
在线零售 #数据集此数据集由Adnan根据世界银行数据集使用条款#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
903K 287
支持票证分类 Retail and Shopping Classification
14.29M 241
商店 1 #数据集此数据集由peppermintshake在“其他”(在描述中指定)下发布#内容创建。它包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
24M 782
亚马逊 #数据集此数据集由Andrew#Contents创建。它包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
1.4M 328
在线零售 Others Classification
22.66M 193
数字图像处理数据集 NTUST Retail and Shopping,Computer Vision,Cycling Classification
1.41M 240