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美国国家健康和安全基会NSF研究奖摘要1990-2003数据集 Original Owner and DonorAbstracts provided by:Michael J. PazzaniICS Department, School of Computer Science, UCI, Irvine...Computer Classification
208.12M 1019
基于机器学习的ZZAlpha股票推荐数据集 Data Set Information:1. Title of Database: Machine Learning based ZZAlpha Stock Recommendations2. Sources:(a) Original o...Business Classification
18.6M 731
森病康复言语治疗语音康复数据集 The dataset was created by Athanasios Tsanas (tsanasthanasis '@' of the University of Oxford.Data Set...Life Classification
593K 692
日本信贷筛选数据集 Creator: Chiharu SanoDonor: Chiharu Sanocsano '@' bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDUData Set Information:Examples represent posi...Business Classification
13K 702
伊斯坦布尔证券交易所数据集 Data Set Information:Data is collected from and Data is organized with regard to working...Business Classification
68.6K 723
保险公司基准(COIL2000)数据集 Data Set Information:客户信息由86个变量组成,包括产品使用数据和来自邮政区号的社会人口统计数据。该数据由荷兰数据挖掘公司S...Social Regression
439K 904
72个属氧化物气体传感器数据集,可用于十类气体鉴别 Data Set Information:实例数:从基于72个金属氧化物气体传感器阵列的化学检测平台记录18000次系列测量。属性(特征)的数量:每...Computer Classification
7.8G 1465
经济制裁数据集 Data Set Information:I think you'll find some limited documentation on Mike's database in his papers. His disser...Business N/A
4K 837
股票价格预测数据集 Data Set Information:在预测股票价格时,你会收集某个时间段的数据——天、周、月等,但你不能利用某个时间段的数据,直到该时...Business Classification
34.3K 1029
信贷审批数据集 Data Set Information:This file concerns credit card applications. All attribute names and values have been changed to me...Business Classification
13K 895
属圆柱体上反弹声纳信号获得的数据集 The data set was contributed to the benchmark collection by Terry Sejnowski, now at the Salk Institute and the Universit...Physical Classification
62K 2252
CNAE-9数据集 1080个巴西公司经济活动分析数据 Data Set Information:这是一个数据集,包含1080个巴西公司的自由文本业务描述文档,这些文档被归类为国家经济活动分类表(Class...Business Classification
24K 918
比特币交易中,勒索软件研究的数据集 Data Set Information:我们下载并解析了2009年1月至2018年12月的整个比特币交易图表。使用24小时的时间间隔,我们提取网络上的每...Computer Classification
111M 935
101种食物的图片 This is the Food 101 dataset, also available from contains imag...Business Classification
4.69G 539
大卖场销售预测 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Debashish DalalReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors...Business Classification
1.53M 518
Airbnb新用户的预订情况,订房建模(基于消费者的行为) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ryan(Sangyoon) Shin# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
0.85M 461
DBPedia与实体关系的葡萄牙语 DBPedia with Entity Relations in Portuguese...Business Classification
31.93M 442
奈巴士路线数据集 金奈巴士路线数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
22.5K 499
LBMA黄价格(1968-2017) # DatasetThis dataset was created by John Doe# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Economics Classification
0.55M 477
奈巴士路线数据 金奈巴士路线数据的数据集数据结构为:...Transportation Classification
23K 447