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毛里求斯大学农场附的植物树叶数据集 Data Set Information:- The leaves were placed on a white background and then photographed. - The pictures were taken in...Agriculture Classification
1.8G 950
AISHELL-家居环境远讲同步语音数据库 AISHELL-2019A-EVAL 随机抽取 50 个发音人。每人从位置 A(高保真 44.1kHz,16bit)与位置 F(Android 系统手机 16kHz,16bit)中,...Music Analysis Audio
15G 679
SIFT10M数据集,已用于评估邻搜索方法 Xiping Fu, Brendan McCane, Steven Mills, Michael Albert and Lech SzymanskiDepartment of Computer Science, University of...Computer Causal-Discovery
7.3G 847
股价走势预测数据集,用技术指标预测期的股票趋势(上涨或下跌) ContextThere's a story behind every dataset and here's your opportunity to share yours.ContentWhat's inside...Business Classification
248.4K 564
纽约中学和附的汽车碰撞 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.02M 740
英国10年交通事故数据集,包含事故车辆、伤亡(天气、车型、天气、长时间、高龄驾驶员) 这些文件提供了2005年至2014年国家标准中有关人身伤害道路事故情况的详细道路安全数据,内容事故文件: 主要数据集包含有关事故严...Classification,News,Automobiles and Vehicles,Law Classification
491.45M 1209
哈萨克斯坦6000个广告的雇佣者数据集 ContextEmployment dataset of Kazakshtan, parsed in local cite Content5 columnsInspirationI want to see some statistics a...Business,Computer Science,Programming,Employment Classification
0.7M 515
MNIST Computer Science Classification
13.11M 448
人脸识别项目, 4000 张灰度面孔,尺寸 128x128 Face recognition project Almost 4000 grayscale faces, size 128x128...Person,Face Classification
83.93M 725
开和 3 条边折线的图像 Earth and Nature,Education,Science and Technology Classification
69.27M 578
期收益 Business Classification
5.42M 298