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梦龙歌词中的恶魔 Arts and Entertainment,NLP Classification
0M 271
亚马逊Alexa的评论 Business,NLP,Deep Learning,Beginner,Naive Bayes Classification
0.49M 224
Word2vec在维基百科上训练数据(单字母+双字母),以捕捉unigram和bigram 这是一个单词嵌入模型,创建于维基百科+各种来源的评论。与从基于短语的方法(不考虑相邻词的短语/双词上下文)创建双词不同,这...NLP,Computer Science,Software,Programming,Neural Networks Classification
8.62G 326
律政司2009 2018年新闻稿 Earth and Nature,Politics,NLP,Crime,Text Data Classification
52.47M 260
231.77M 528
来自webmd.com的避孕产品评论 NLP,Healthcare Classification
7.11M 255
泰国皈依天主教 Earth and Nature,NLP Classification
37.78M 311
媒体的文章 Earth and Nature,NLP,Literature,Text Data,Data Visualization,Beginner,Text Mining Classification
3.7M 412
新闻中的国实体,来自当地新闻的国实体 PRN - person, group of people, believes, etcLOC - locationNORP - Military, police, government, Parties, etcORG - Organiz...NLP,News,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
411K 515
标记为 ML/DL/AI 的中型文章,文章描述、标题、作者和其他元数据 Medium Articles tagged under ML/DL/AI scraped using Beautifulsoup and seleniumContent1.Tag : Tagged under AI/ML or DL2.N...NLP,Education,Online Communities,Artificial Intelligence Classification
55.49K 515
Reddit机器人使用NLP来反击负面评论 Computer Science,Programming,NLP Classification
0M 263
基于Reddit评论的单词表示法的全局矢量数据集 GloVe Reddit Comments Global Vectors for Word Representation based on Reddit comments...NLP Classification
19.1G 363
Facebook 发布的300维预训练,在 Common Crawl 上训练的200万个词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment Classification
650M 376
英国癌症的文本挖掘和分析,英国癌症的自然言处理 Text mining and analysis on Cancer UK Natural language processing on cancer UK...NLP,Biology,Text Data,Health Conditions Classification
4.33M 277
6.32G 266
Trump Tweet.csv NLP,Text Data Classification
0.07M 229
伯特小一阶 Arts and Entertainment,NLP Classification
837.78M 519
FastText 一个用于学习词嵌入和文本分类的库 fastText is a library for learning of word embeddings and text classification created by Facebook's AI Research (FAI...NLP,Computer Science Classification
6.6G 648
Taptap reviews Games,Video Games,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
3.6M 236
SAVEE 数据库 用于情感识别系统的音情感注释数据 The SAVEE database was recorded from four native English male speakers (identified as DC, JE, JK, KL), postgraduate stud...NLP,Business,Social Science Classification
162.57M 444