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Zeki MFC;任15E;ark131;SF6;zleri |歌词 Music,NLP,Artificial Intelligence,LSTM Classification
0.33M 276
IMBD情绪分类数据集,用spacy标记并以JSON格式存储 ContextIMDB sentiment classification dataset from derived from torchtext, tokenized using spacy and then stored as JSON...NLP,Beginner,Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Binary Classification,spaCy Classification
104.31M 293
HuggingFace变压器库的Lonformer基础模型 allenai-longformer-base-4096 Lonformer-base model for HuggingFace Transformers library...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Transfer Learning Classification
568.34M 296
新闻点击诱饵数据集 Business,Online Communities,News,NLP,Classification,Deep Learning,Text Data Classification
3.41M 396
判例法数据集(伊利诺伊州) Business,Social Science,Law,Universities and Colleges,NLP,Text Data,History Classification
928.44M 225
极限拥抱面/nlp NLP Classification
251.04M 283
LetsRun论坛帖子标题(NLP) Sports,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
0.52M 250
新闻类别数据集 News,NLP,Classification,Deep Learning,Linguistics Classification
80.03M 280
用于Sarcasm检测的新闻标题数据集,用于讽刺和假新闻检测任务的高质量数据集 Past studies in Sarcasm Detection mostly make use of Twitter datasets collected using hashtag based supervision but such...NLP,Deep Learning,Classification,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
11.13M 346
性露骨的评论 NLP Classification
0.4M 279
亚马逊德国评论数据集 NLP,Text Mining Classification
3.02M 299
CTDSMedium博客 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,NLP Classification
0.25M 472
名人和名人及其财产 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,News,NLP,Real Estate,Celebrities Classification
2.7M 271
詹姆斯国王旧约/新约章节 Religion and Belief Systems,NLP,Literature Classification
4.12M 247
工作场所的性别歧视言论 NLP,Classification,Social Issues and Advocacy,Deep Learning Classification
0.06M 333
假新闻和真新闻数据集,对新闻进行分类 AcknowledgementsAhmed H, Traore I, Saad S. “Detecting opinion spams and fake news using text classification”, Journal...NLP,Earth and Nature,News Classification
110.98M 339
语言灾难响应消息 Email and Messaging,NLP,Text Data,Natural Disasters Classification
6.87M 670
阿拉伯语Levantine仇恨语音检测 Social Networks,NLP Classification
0.69M 286
Gazeta摘要 俄罗斯新闻摘要数据集 文件的每一行都是一个JSON对象,包含5个字段:URL、标题、文本、摘要和日期。数据集由74126个示例组成。到目前为止,前60964个例...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,News,Russia Classification
545.11M 295
美国COVID推特,美国疫情相关的特定关键词的推文 ContextDuring the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, social media exploded with content discussing the pandemic and other related i...NLP,Classification,Coronavirus,Text Data Classification
401.96M 315