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ChatGPT情绪分析,ChatGPT推文分类一个月 ChatGPT has been a major talk in the tech world. The tweets about chatgpt were gathered for a month and then the sentime...NLP Classification
35.27M 1444
ChatGPT Twitter数据集 This dataset contains a collection of tweets with the hashtag #chatgpt. The tweets were scraped from Twitter and cover a...NLP Classification
0.4M 1346
Tweets on ChatGPT 数据集包ChatGPT上的推文 ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. It was launched in November 2022. The dataset contains tweets on #ChatGPT from...NLP Classification
133.86M 652
LFQA患者医生对话数据 What is Diagnose me?Diagnose me is an LFQA dataset of dialogues between patients and doctors based on factual conversati...NLP,Medical Classification
433.32M 462
新闻分类数据集sample(thu) 新闻分类数据集sample(thu)...NLP Text
12M 857
百科类问答json版,含有150万个预先过滤过的、高质量问题和答案 本数据集含有150万个预先过滤过的、高质量的百科类问题和答案。数据集总共有492个类别,其中频率达到或超过10次的类别有434个。...NLP Text
1.5G 962
DARPA TIMIT声学语音连续语音语料 TIMIT(英语:The DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus),是由德州仪器、麻省理工学院和SRI International...Music Analysis Audio
812.64M 747
Wisesight 情感语料库数据集 对于 wisesight-160 和 wisesight-1000,它们是从这个语料库中以标记化形式的样本,有关数据探索和分类示例,请参阅泰语文本分类...Mental Health Text
4.1M 655
文字袋数据集 可用于了解路透社的哪些文章是关于“企业收购”的 Data Set Information:The original data were formatted by Thorsten Joachims in the “bag-of-words” representation. There...NLP Classification
1.21M 676
僧伽罗语数字词汇(1.0版),字母A到M 数据集 僧伽罗语数字词汇表(1.0版),字母A至M,链接至 Classification
9.83M 515
僧伽罗语数字词汇(2.0版),字母A到M Digital Glossary of Sinhala Prakrit (version 2.0), letters A to M...NLP Classification
9.88M 581
MAGICDATA 汉语普通话朗读语料数据库(测试数据集) MAGICDATA Mandarin Chinese Read Speech Corpus was developed by MAGIC DATATechnology Co., Ltd. and freely published for n...Music Analysis Audio
2.2G 1059
MAGICDATA 汉语普通话朗读语料数据库(训练数据集) MAGICDATA Mandarin Chinese Read Speech Corpus was developed by MAGIC DATATechnology Co., Ltd. and freely published for n...Music Analysis Audio
52G 854
Primewords 中文普通话语料库,包含100小时的语音数据 This free Chinese Mandarin speech corpus set is released by Shanghai Primewords Information Technology Co., Ltd.The corp...Music Analysis Audio
9G 1280
免费 ST 美国英语语料 Thiscorpuswererecordedinsilencein-doorenvironmentusingcellphone.Ithas10speakers.Eachspeakerhasabout350utterances.Allutte...Music Analysis Audio
351M 608
免费 ST 中文普通话语料 Thiscorpuswererecordedinsilencein-doorenvironmentusingcellphone.Ithas855speakers.Eachspeakerhas120utterances.Allutteranc...Music Analysis Audio
8.2G 795
Deeply Korean read speech corpus 深度韩语阅读语料 about this resource:Recording environment: Studio apartment(moderate reverb), Dance studio(high reverb), Anechoic chambe...Music Analysis Audio
281M 570
Kazakh Speech Corpus (KSC) 哈萨克语语料库(KSC) A crowdsourced open-source speech corpus for the Kazakh language. The KSC contains around 332 hoursof transcribed audio...Music Analysis Audio
19G 1098
人工智能语料库-Ubuntu对话语料库 包含2600万次对话数据 建立对话系统(人类可以与虚拟代理进行自然对话)是自然语言处理中的一项艰巨任务,也是许多正在进行的研究的重点。一些挑战包括...NLP Text
2.7G 2848
WikiLinks 一个大型跨文档指代消解英语语料数据 Wikilinks 是一个大型跨文档指代消解英语语料数据,从 Wikipedia 网站中的 300 万个实体中提取 4000 万的指代关系。从自由文本中...NLP,Languages Text
1.7G 669