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CACD 跨年龄人脸识别和检索数据集 CACD 数据集(全称 Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset)是一个用于跨年龄的人脸识别和检索的大规模数据集, 包含来自互联网的 2,000 名...Face Classification
7.86G 1672
耶鲁大学人脸数据库 扩展的耶鲁人脸数据库 B 包含 28 位人类受试者在 9 种姿势和 64 种光照条件下的 16128 张图像。该数据库的数据格式与耶鲁人脸数...Face Classification
2.4G 1439
VGG-Face人脸识别数据集 该数据集由 2,622 个身份组成。每个身份都有一个关联的文本文件,其中包含图像和相应面部检测的 URL。下载数据前请仔细阅读许可...Face Classification
111M 1398
室内场景识别数据库 Indoor scene recognition is a challenging open problem in high level vision. Most scene recognition models that work wel...Urban,Environment,Environment 2D Box,Classification
2.33G 929
斯坦福大学-犬类数据集 The Stanford Dogs dataset contains images of 120 breeds of dogs from around the world. This dataset has been built using...Animal 2D Box,Image Caption
756.8M 2631
T-Wave Alternans Challenge Database AbstractThis database has been assembled for the PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2008. It contains 100 multi...Music Analysis,Medical Audio
105M 518
VOice ICar fEDerico II Database The healthy voices or the presence of each vocal fold's disorders were clinically verified by the medical experts involv...Person,Medical Audio
110.1M 793
Squid Giant Axon Membrane Potentia The applied stimulus current profiles can be divided into two groups: Stochastically summated polysynaptic currents (PSC...Animal 2D Box
901.7M 1003
MICRO Motion capture data This project contains head movement data recorded from groups of participants asked to stand as still as possible and pr...Animal Image Caption,Audio
64.2M 570
MUSAN 一个音乐、语音和噪音记录的语料库 MUSAN is a corpus of music, speech, and noise recordings.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grad...Music Analysis Audio,Classification
18.38G 989
cifar100 数据集 CIFAR-10数据集由10个类的60000个32x32彩色图像组成,每个类有6000个图像。有50000个训练图像和10000个测试图像。数据集分为五个...Common 2D Box
162M 1070
基于步行活动数据集的用户识别 Pierluigi Casale, Computer Vision Center, Barcelona, Spain. Email: plcasale '@' ieee.orgData Set Information:The...N/A Classification
1.26M 973
UJIIndoorLoc数据集 可用于分类,如实际建筑物和楼层识别 Donors/Contact Joaquín Torres-Sospedra jtorres +@+ Raul Montoliu montoliu +@+ Adolfo Martínez-Usó admar...Computer Classification
1.4M 1804
说话人口音识别数据集 Ernest FokoueSchool of Mathematical SciencesRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester, NY 14623, USAepfeqa '@'...Social Classification
602K 814
环境辅助生活(AAL)数据集中用于人类活动识别(HAR)的智能手机数据集 -- Creators: Kadian Alicia Davis (1), Evans Boateng Owusu (2) 1 -- Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunicati...Computer Classification
15.41M 842
RCV1的子集数据集 该语料库已经用于作者识别实验 Dataset creator and donator: ZhiLiu, e-mail: liuzhi8673 '@', institution: National Engineering Researc...Computer Classification
7.8M 930
手写数字数据集的笔式识别 Data Set Information:我们从44位作者那里收集了250个样本,创建了一个数字数据库。由30位作者编写的样本用于培训、交叉验证和作...NLP Classification
1.58M 851
具有多种录音数据集的帕金森语音数据集 Data Set Information:PD数据库由培训和测试文件组成。培训数据属于20名PWP(6名女性,14名男性)和20名健康人(10名女性,10名...Medical Classification
92.1K 1079
具有复制声学特征数据集的Parkinson数据集 Data Set Information:Important remarks before using this dataset: 1. Each row can not be used independently, because is...Life Classification
121K 739
多种录音数据集的帕金森语音数据集 Data Set Information:The data set consists of paper reviews sent to an international conference mostly in Spanish (some...Health Classification
143K 709