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科学知识图谱数据(SciKG),由概念、专家和论文组成 SciKG是一个以科研为中心的大规模知识图谱,目前包含计算机科学领域,由概念、专家和论文组成。其中,科技概念及其关系是从ACM计...NLP,MNIST Classification
1.3G 1042
NIPS会议论文1987-2015数据集,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文 Data Set Information:数据集采用11463 x 5812字数矩阵的形式,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文(第一列包含单词列表)。每...Computer Clustering
127M 565
ICMLA2014接受论文数据集 Diego Vallejo-Huanga, dvallejoh '@', Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Universidad San Fra...Computer Classification
123K 535
AAAI2013接受论文数据集 Carla Brodleyc.brodley '@' neu.eduDean of the College of Computer and Information ScienceNortheastern University...Computer Clustering
192K 656
ICML论文的作者和被引作者 为了研究双盲同行评议的有效性,我们从国际机器学习会议(ICML)中收集了参考文献和作者信息,并试图仅根据参考文献猜测作者身份...Earth and Nature,Literature Classification
767K 381
SAS 2018全球论坛论文 Education Classification
0.29M 390
Arxiv NLP论文与Github链接 Education Classification
0.12M 558
CVPR 2019 论文 计算机视觉和模式识别大会数据 CVPR is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and sho...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Text Data Classification
3.24G 291
研究论文摘要 Education Classification
69.6M 209
论文数据 Others Classification
284.03M 182
ACL 接受的论文 Education,Linguistics Classification
0.51M 253
41篇学术论文数据集 41篇学术论文数据集...Education Classification
1.52M 328
RMU 论文源数据文件 Business,Universities and Colleges,Health Conditions,Public Health,Healthcare Classification
385.39M 215
研究论文 Education Classification
1.64M 323
320.73M 163
RMU论文 最终数据文件 Business,Earth and Nature,Health,Universities and Colleges,Healthcare Classification
4.18M 642
科研论文主题建模 Business,Earth and Nature,Education,NLP,Psychology Classification
21.96M 250
1994 2009年Arxiv量子物理学论文 Education,NLP,Physics Classification
92.19M 290
研究论文主题建模2.0 Earth and Nature,Education,NLP,Astronomy,Research Classification
21.96M 214
COVID 19所有研究论文柠檬酸信息 Computer Science,Games,Coronavirus,NLP,Text Mining Classification
819.48M 620