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银行登 Banking Classification
0.65M 187
一个数据集,包含带有条件的评论中的标和未标的句子 This dataset was created during my PhD ( at the University of Sevi...NLP,Text Data,Universities and Colleges,Ratings and Reviews Classification
794.68M 553
来自202个Stackexchange站点的标集合 This data is extracted from StackExchange for over 200+ websites under the Umbrella. This data consists of all possible...NLP,Business,Online Communities,Text Data Classification
16.75M 251
ELI5分器训练数据原型816000例,用于创建评分模型 ELI5 means Explain like I am 5 . It's originally a long and free form Question-Answering scraping from reddit eli5 s...NLP,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Social Science,Sports,Regression,Transformers Classification
672.61M 281
化器 NLP Classification
14.88M 267
IMBD情绪分类数据集,用spacy标并以JSON格式存储 ContextIMDB sentiment classification dataset from derived from torchtext, tokenized using spacy and then stored as JSON...NLP,Beginner,Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Binary Classification,spaCy Classification
104.31M 258
2561.54M 238
爱丽丝梦游仙境历险 Arts and Entertainment,Games,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
0.14M 597
图8标文本数据集 NLP Classification
4.19M 239
Reddit注释已标 Online Communities,NLP Classification
2595.06M 219
我的忆拼图多语言毒性测试 Health,NLP Classification
27.52M 286
CONLL2003杂项词重新标 Earth and Nature,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining,spaCy Classification
0.01M 283
为 ML/DL/AI 的中型文章,文章描述、标题、作者和其他元数据 Medium Articles tagged under ML/DL/AI scraped using Beautifulsoup and seleniumContent1.Tag : Tagged under AI/ML or DL2.N...NLP,Education,Online Communities,Artificial Intelligence Classification
55.49K 535
6.32G 266
Medium Articles 包含标为AI、机器学习、数据科学或人工智能的帖子,以及用户信息 Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartes...NLP,Text Data,Literature Classification
1.8G 318