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23和Me2VCF Computer Science,Programming Classification
48.37M 405
IT工作 Computer Science,Programming,Science and Technology Classification
0.41M 451
计算机视觉书籍的图像 Art Classification
50.92M 235
软件缺陷预测 Computer Science,Software Classification
1.65M 822
腌制爬虫 300D 2M用于果仁比赛 Computer Science,Food Classification
2433.63M 720
字母识别 Computer Science,Image Data Classification
0.68M 495
蔬菜 Computer Science,Food Classification
408.93M 486
hcc数据完成 平衡.xlsx Software Classification
0.07M 378
恶意软件时间戳2 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.02M 484
恶意软件时间戳 Computer Science,Programming Classification
1.73M 538
MNIST数据集 Computer Science,Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
52.4M 614
UQSpeechDataset数据库 Software,Religion and Belief Systems,Linguistics Classification
5.09M 484
印度的犯罪 Computer Science,Software,Programming,Crime,India Classification
12.25M 495
图像AI:目标检测 Computer Science,Programming,Computer Vision Classification
146.32M 529
欧拉德数据集 Education,Software Classification
401.77M 461
数据分析和可视化 Computer Science,Software,Programming Classification
0M 468
SEERA软件成本估算数据集 SEERA(苏丹软件工程)成本估算数据集:是技术和经济受限环境的数据集。这是从苏丹42个组织收集120个软件开发项目数据的结果。SE...Software Classification
2.51M 543
COVID-19 胸部X射线图像CXR和计算机断层扫描成像数据 BIMCV-COVID19 + dataset is a large dataset with chest X-ray images CXR (CR, DX) and computedtomography (CT) imaging of C...Medical Classification
0M 536