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捐赠的见 Others Classification
0.29M 502
压缩tsv Others Classification
469.24M 481
7333.15M 479
SVHN数据集,以最高性能决SVHN问题 SVHN数据集,以最高性能解决SVHN问题...Earth and Nature Classification
1.5G 732
音频析数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Boris Kozak# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Music Classification
21.19M 399
机器人先生中的单词事件,了F-Society最喜欢的行话 Mr. Robot is all about data whether it's corrupting it, encrypting it, or deleting it. I wanted to dig up some data...Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.31M 448
俄罗斯电报聊天记录,公开俄罗斯电报聊天中析的数据 Russian Telegram chats history Data parsed from must popular public Russian Telegram chats...NLP,Text Data,Russia Classification
11.08G 406
条件列表理时间戳数据 Others Classification
0.54M 314
0.04M 350
2019 NCAAM 锦标赛决方案文件 Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.04M 534
292.14M 301
数据 Others Classification
1K 278
一年工业部件降 Business,Earth and Nature,Deep Learning Classification
109.24M 253
Others Classification
0.01M 255
视觉问题 Others Classification
562.18M 340
决 方案 Others Classification
0.26M 293
公共决方案 Others Classification
354.28M 244
家庭信贷最佳决方案 Sports Classification
2.38M 340
0.61M 220
62.62M 226