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信贷审批数据集 Data Set Information:This file concerns credit card applications. All attribute names and values have been changed to me...Business Classification
13K 884
CNAE-9数据集 1080个巴西公司经济活动分析数据 Data Set Information:这是一个数据集,包含1080个巴西公司的自由文本业务描述文档,这些文档被归类为国家经济活动分类表(Class...Business Classification
24K 907
比特币交易中,勒索软件研究的数据集 Data Set Information:我们下载并解析了2009年1月至2018年12月的整个比特币交易图表。使用24小时的时间间隔,我们提取网络上的每...Computer Classification
111M 927
基于多传感器数据合(AReM)数据集,无线电子系统的IRIS节点收集RSS数据 Data Set Information:This dataset represents a real-life benchmark in the area of Activity Recognition applications, as...Computer Classification
512K 1388
101种食物的图片 This is the Food 101 dataset, also available from contains imag...Business Classification
4.69G 536
大卖场销售预测 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Debashish DalalReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors...Business Classification
1.53M 512
Airbnb新用户的预订情况,订房建模(基于消费者的行为) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ryan(Sangyoon) Shin# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
0.85M 458
DBPedia与实体关系的葡萄牙语 DBPedia with Entity Relations in Portuguese...Business Classification
31.93M 439
LBMA黄金价格(1968-2017) # DatasetThis dataset was created by John Doe# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Economics Classification
0.55M 474
图像传输速率 图像传输速率的数据集数据结构为:akosombo.csv...Business Classification
7K 440
Kickstarter项目 我是一个众筹爱好者,我从kickstarter的早期就开始关注它。现在我只是收集数据,我制作的唯一一个应用是这个推特机器人,它可以...Business,Crowdfunding Classification
34.48M 513
抽水机,水表的数据挖掘 Cloned from,Environment,Biology,Environment Classification
25.33M 741
比特币市场 比特币市场的数据集数据结构为:btc_usd_Bitbay.csv...News,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
142K 735
股票价格数据 股票价格数据...Investing Classification
1.15M 393
45家沃尔玛商店按部门划分的匿名销售,以及支持性特征的数据集 背景这个数据集最初来自沃尔玛的招聘挑战。此处仅用于教育目的。内容该数据集包含45家沃尔玛商店按部门划分的匿名销售以及支持功...Business,Education,Investing Classification
11.87M 571
德国信贷相关数据集 德国信贷相关数据集...Lending Classification
0.14M 512
TD比赛第7、8、9天 TD比赛第7、8、9天的数据集数据结构为:day_7_8_9.csv...Business Classification
1021M 413
财富全球500强企业数据集 ContextThis is a briefing of fortune global 500 giants, which attracts curiosity in the field of job hunting.ContentThis...Business Classification
17.5K 577
巴西公职人员的薪资水平数据集 ContextThe monthly salary of the public workers of the State of São Paulo in Brazil is a Public data available in the t...Business,Government,Jobs and Career,Brazil Classification
92.69M 559
比特币、以太币、莱特币交易价格数据集 比特币、以太币、莱特币交易价格数据集...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
71.6K 470