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T1K+:用于基准颜纹理分类和检索方法的数据库 这是一个在可变条件下获取的高质量纹理图像的非常大的异构数据库。T1K+包含1129类纹理,从自然主题到食品、纺织品样本、建筑材料...Industry,Business Classification
38.1G 724
果蝇黑素母细胞基因组数据,探索普通果蝇的注释基因组 Drosophila MelanogasterDrosophila Melanogaster, the common fruit fly, is a model organism which has been extensively use...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
130M 721
黑白人脸照片数据集 该数据集包含了黑白色的人脸照片数据集。...Others Classification
199.23M 834
A2D:多个角类别的动作识别数据集(成人,婴儿,鸟,猫和狗) Overiew: Can humans fly? Emphatically no. Can cars eat? Again, absolutely not. Yet, these absurd inferences result from...Action/Event Detection 2D Panoptic Segmentation
1.53G 1248
苏木精和伊红(H&E)染载玻片的图像数据集 腺体是重要的组织学结构,其作为分泌蛋白质和碳水化合物的主要机制存在于大多数器官系统中。已经表明,由腺上皮引起的恶性肿瘤,...Image Search Classification
56.7M 1210
百度iChallenge-PM彩眼底照片,眼疾识别数据集 iChallenge-PM是百度大脑和中山大学中山眼科中心联合举办的iChallenge比赛中,提供的关于病理性近视(Pathologic Myopia,PM)的...Action/Event Detection,Medical Classification
3.7G 849
OCT数据和左右眼彩眼底图像数据集 Tahereh Mahmudi; Rahele Kafieh; Hossein Rabbani; Alireza Mehri dehnavi; Mohammadreza AkhlagiData Set Information:OCT dat...Computer Classification
5K 990
结核分枝杆菌基因数据集 Data Set Information:The data was collected from several sources, including the Sanger Centre ([Web Link]) and SWISSPROT...Life Classification
43.6M 690
国家的标志数据集,可用国旗的颜来预测该国的宗教信仰 Data Set Information:This data file contains details of various nations and their flags. In this file the fields are sep...N/A Classification
5M 694
离散调图像特性数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset contains a total of 71 images including 11 types of images with its distorted versions...Computer Classification
24.8M 961
CUTG数据库 不同生物样本的基因组编码DNA中的密码子使用频率数据 Data Set Information:我们检查了CUTG数据库中不同分类群的大量不同生物样本的基因组编码DNA中的密码子使用频率,通过将CUTG的细...Life Classification
1.92M 858
chipseq 基因组数据集 Data Set Information:These data are significant because they are among the first to provide labels that formalize the ge...Life Classification
34.7G 739
列高中巴格鲁特成绩(2013-2016) Te'udat Bagrut (Hebrew: תעודת בגרות‬) is a certificate which attests that a student has successfully pass...Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
7.56M 652
星期五购物数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Abhishek KumarReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
33.5M 704
有颜的水果数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Muhammad Jamil MoughalReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt cont...Food Classification
1K 631
分类数据集 颜色分类是一个重要的应用程序,在许多领域都有应用。例如,每天执行。具有最优超平面寿命分析的支持向量机分类器可以从该分类过...Deep Learning,Classification,Earth and Nature Classification
161.5M 669
它是绿 Others Classification
3.05M 417
CSE 5523机器学习调板分类器 Computer Science Classification
1607.01M 379
动漫小品着 Anime and Manga Classification
6230.33M 388
猫图像数据集,用于识别是否是猫,图像是全彩 有一些伟大的计算机视觉 Kaggle 竞赛,你可以用来测试和发展你的技能。一般来说,你会发现比赛最容易练习你的第一课技能的地方:...Classification,Computer Science,Image Data,Binary Classification,Animals Classification
3.04M 515