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香港中文大学人素描数据集CUFSF CUHK Face Sketch FERET Database (CUFSF) is for research on face sketchsynthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes...Face 2D Box
84.3M 1571
奥利维蒂的 奥利维蒂的脸的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
1.66M 474
JAFEE面部不同表情图像数据集 JAFEE面部不同表情图像数据集...Person,Action/Event Detection Classification
26.8M 505
Others Classification
0.12M 378
女孩的 Social Networks Classification
30.6M 336
基于高分辨率距离的人数据库 人脸数据库由最新一代测距/深度相机:微软Kinect 2(第二代)获取的一组高分辨率测距图像组成。该数据库由18个人的面部组成,他...Person,Face Classification
128M 498
识别 Others Classification
3.76M 314
边缘肖像图像数据,黑色背景数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Brad Lee# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Person,Face Classification
124.39M 277
用户面部的掩码数据集(可能不包括身体),该数据集用于将人群与背景图像分开 This data is a mask of user face (might not include body). It does not contain Image file. Therefore should use with [Sh...Image Data,Computer Vision,People Classification
6.58G 430
4组男性不同形态的人照片数据集 男性人脸照片数据集...Person,Face,Arts and Entertainment Classification
211.59M 355
动漫 Anime and Manga Classification
272.69M 285
Utk 裁剪 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
114.43M 527
阿帕真实裁剪 Arts and Entertainment,Health,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
237.04M 298
表情数据集 表情数据集...Person Classification
11.9M 570
谱评论 Social Networks Classification
12.69M 209
图像中的人检测 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Software,Image Data Classification
0.26M 197
网角 Others Classification
88.12M 549
5 点 Arts and Entertainment Classification
8.73M 172
印度电影数据库 (IMFDB) Movies and TV Shows,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
64.64M 610
识别项目,近 4000 张灰度面孔,尺寸 128x128 Face recognition project Almost 4000 grayscale faces, size 128x128...Person,Face Classification
83.93M 639