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Kraken XRP/美元交易2018年1月至6月 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
79.15M 986
Kraken BTZ /美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
431.12M 470
Bitstamp BTZ /美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
152.89M 412
BTC(美元)2012-2018年数据 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.04M 660
金砖四国货币/美元汇率,历史数据每月频率 01/07/1997 - 1/12/2015 over 10 years of historical exchange rate data of BRIC countries currencies/ U.S. dollar...Business,Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
9K 373
英镑/美元历史数据(月) Business,Finance,Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0M 375
欧元兑美元 Investing Classification
0.01M 340
2009年至2019年之间的美元汇率每日数据 2009 - 19年之间的美元汇率2009年至2019年之间的美元汇率每日数据(差异百分比)。...Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
128K 362
每日美元日元(2000-2019年)与技术指标 Software,News,Finance,Religion and Belief Systems,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
5.51M 625
每小时英镑兑美元及技术指标(2000-2019年) Internet,Finance,Investing,Economics,Religion and Belief Systems,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
96.49M 276
2016年美元买入价格 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0M 254
欧元-美元历史数据(2002-2017年1分钟间隔) Business,Finance,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
371.64M 237
Kraken XRP/美元交易数据 Kraken XRP/美元交易数据...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
133.22M 262
克拉肯短跑/美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
19.35M 257
美元/土耳其里拉汇率,土耳其货币对美元的价值 USD/TRY Exchange Rate Turkish currency's value against the dollar...Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
10K 304
Rs vs 美元 Investing Classification
0.01M 288
美元 PKR 历史数据 1999 2019 Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Beginner Classification
0.26M 199
欧元兑美元从1971年欧元兑2017年 Computer Science,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.62M 281
ZAR:美元汇率,兰特/美元月汇率 2008-2017 This dataset was collected from the International Monetary Fund website. It contains monthly values for the Rand/Dollar...Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
20K 317
美元 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
2.58M 229