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Europarl用于统计机器翻译的并行语料库(21种欧洲语言的版本) For a detailed description of this corpus, please read:Europarl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation,...NLP Classification
1.46G 962
11kHands人手拍照数据集,大型手部图像数据集的性别识别和生物统计识别 欢迎来到11k手数据集,这是一个由190名年龄在18-75岁之间的受试者的11076张手部图像(1600 x 1200像素)组成的集合。每个受试者...Action/Event Detection Classification
632M 864
网球大赛比赛统计数据集 Shruti JauhariDepartment of Computer ScienceRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester, NY 14623eMail: sxj6633 '@...N/A Classification
46.8K 1552
不同机器学习、神经和统计分类算法数据集 Data Set Information:This DataSet is about the results of Statlog project. The project performed a comparative study bet...Computer Classification
7K 894
互联网一般人口统计数据集 Data Set Information:This data comes from a survey conducted by the Graphics and Visualization Unit at Georgia Tech Octo...Computer N/A
261K 821
Exasens数据集,包括在Exasens内的4组唾液样本(COPD哮喘感染HC)的人口统计数据 Data Set Information:The Exasens dataset includes demographic information on 4 groups of saliva samples (COPD-Asthma-Inf...Medical Classification
13.7K 667
500 小时的语音录音,包括演讲者的人口统计数据 General InformationCommon Voice is a corpus of speech data read by users on the Common Voice website (http://voice.mozil...Social Science,Music,Languages Classification
12.06G 573
变量2生物统计 Others Classification
0.56M 745
区域统计、突尼斯 Others Classification
0.04M 482
大学橄榄球统计 Sports,Universities and Colleges Classification
236.88M 846
美国多元化签证抽签统计 United States,Geography,Global Classification
0.05M 521
国家统计- UNData News,Economics Classification
0.09M 323
按国家统计的人口死亡率 Social Science Classification
0.06M 766
国际能源统计 Economics,Energy,Renewable Energy Classification
124.27M 522
全球商品贸易统计 Business,Economics Classification
1175.6M 394
NFL的统计数据 Computer Science,Programming,Sports Classification
93.36M 782
(统计在线计算资源) Others Classification
0.07M 452
运输统计查找表 Others Classification
0.58M 761
用于数据挖掘和机器学习的神奇宝贝,所有神奇宝贝统计数据直到第 6 代:每个神奇宝贝 21 个变量 With the rise of the popularity of machine learning, this is a good opportunity to share a wide database of the even mor...Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Anime and Manga,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
780K 452
世界银行季度外债统计 Finance,Lending Classification
98.97M 388