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线性回归 Others Classification
0.69M 232
线故障和延误 Nyc Transportation,Travel Classification
32.83M 154
X 射线骨影压抑 Health,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
3857.85M 302
SF 商用无线电信设施 Socrata Classification
0.66M 155
线数据集 Others Classification
5.48M 5
电话数据 Mobile and Wireless Classification
0.04M 316
简单的线性回归易于实现 Others Classification
1K 333
1.01. 简单的线性回归.csv Others Classification
1K 300
材料曲线深度学习 Education,Deep Learning,Text Data Classification
52.76M 253
SFPD 无线电代码 Others Classification
4K 151
线性回归 Others Classification
0.77M 442
纽约自行车路线 Retail and Shopping,Geospatial Analysis,Cycling,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
87.26M 168
细胞周期实验,分裂 Jurkat 细胞和一些线虫的图像数据 Differences in the rates of cellular division and differences in the amount of time spent in each stage of cellular divi...Earth and Nature,Biology Classification
52.28M 391
Flipkart网格 Mobile and Wireless Classification
0M 142
xdeepfm基线 Others Classification
326.14M 124
X射线检测 Others Classification
529.54M 436
7.16M 148
Twitter评论:在线食品订购服务 Business,Linguistics Classification
7.77M 182
班加罗尔地区在线食品配送偏好 Business,Food,NLP,Text Data,Geospatial Analysis,Jobs and Career Classification
0.23M 192
线缆 19 QA Coronavirus,NLP Classification
23.62M 215