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FastText 2M 字嵌入 Computer Science Classification
6291.62M 196
斯帕马萨辛公共语料库 Software,Email and Messaging,Linguistics Classification
22.64M 190
Python 开发人员 Survery 2017 Computer Science,Software,Programming,Demographics,Survey Analysis Classification
10.5M 218
B-技术学生数据集 Computer Science,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.05M 225
第一次机器学习数据集检查 Computer Science Classification
0.02M 505
MNIST 数据 Computer Science Classification
121.97M 322
图灵测试 Computer Science Classification
0.03M 346
硬盘故障预测 ST4000DM000 Computer Science,Electronics,Statistical Analysis Classification
769.89M 195
近 MNIST Computer Science Classification
13.11M 395
训练数字识别 mnist Computer Science Classification
104.5M 303
MNIST 数字识别 Computer Science Classification
17.44M 332
卡格尔标志 Computer Science Classification
0.01M 212
维基百科语言-iso639的副本 Computer Science Classification
0M 223
坦普 · 杰森 Programming Classification
0M 182
如何赢得数据科学竞赛 Computer Science Classification
96.9M 381
谷歌自由基地实体矢量 Software Classification
5442.16M 227
几何形状数据集,用手机摄像头拍摄的3个几何形状 几何形状数据集,用手机摄像头拍摄的3个几何形状...Classification,Education Classification
261.3M 275
mnist . Computer Science Classification
10.96M 325
libftrl - python Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.02M 487
南非强力球结果(彩票) Computer Science,Programming,Classification,Data Visualization Classification
0.1M 464