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0.18M 264
政府 Social Science Classification
3.79M 214
制图挑战 Software Classification
4569.71M 576
FCC 网络中立评论 (4/2017 - 10/2017) Internet,Politics,Linguistics Classification
2659.09M 228
练习 7 巨蛇 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.01M 640
哥斯达黎加贫困衍生数据 News,Government Classification
237.41M 216
图像 - 安 - ibm Software Classification
0.01M 223
房屋 Social Issues and Advocacy,Real Estate,Housing Classification
0.9M 628
斯科图斯 Government Classification
12.06M 234
MNIST CSV Computer Science Classification
73.22M 380
线性回归数据集 Computer Science Classification
0M 302
推特数据: 巴基斯坦选举 2018 Politics Classification
287.15M 597
imagenet - vgg - 非常深 - 19. mat Computer Science,Games Classification
510.12M 270
MNIST-增强V1 Computer Science Classification
47.05M 244
假图灵测试 Computer Science,Internet,Online Communities,Psychology,Languages Classification
2.46M 615
外籍人士 2017 Politics,Demographics,International Relations Classification
0M 246
自动化功能工程演示 Computer Science,Programming,Science and Technology Classification
0.1M 228
俄罗斯科学文章 Earth and Nature Classification
49.14M 227
堆栈溢出问题数据集 Computer Science,Education,Programming Classification
0.03M 281
FCC 网络中立评论 Internet,Government Classification
79.03M 262