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用于数据挖掘和机器学习的神奇宝贝,所有神奇宝贝统计数据直到第 6 代:每个神奇宝贝 21 个变量 With the rise of the popularity of machine learning, this is a good opportunity to share a wide database of the even mor...Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Anime and Manga,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
780K 282
使用 Seaborn 的神奇宝贝视觉统计数据! Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.01M 205
神奇宝贝物种统计数据 Games Classification
0.16M 214
神奇宝贝去统计 Others Classification
0.02M 178
用于分析的神奇宝贝数据集 Others Classification
0.04M 132
神奇宝贝文件 Others Classification
0.01M 204
神奇宝贝数据(包括第七代) Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
0.07M 413
完整的竞争神奇宝贝数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Games,Video Games Classification
1.19M 173
神奇宝贝都打扫干净了 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.04M 171
第 1 代神奇宝贝 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.02M 137
神奇宝贝数据集 Earth and Nature,Games Classification
0.01M 421
神奇宝贝与统计数据加上第 7 代 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.05M 154
神奇宝贝图像数据集 Anime and Manga Classification
103.39M 183
神奇宝贝月亮奇迹贸易信息学 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.03M 196
神奇宝贝与统计数据 Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
0.04M 155
神奇宝贝 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.02M 142
完整的神奇宝贝数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
0.15M 153
初始V3神奇宝贝模型/重量 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
285.18M 162
更新了神奇宝贝围棋统计 Science and Technology Classification
0.01M 271
神奇宝贝类型表 Others Classification
1K 112