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运营 Others Classification
2K 395
人力资源分析案例 Earth and Nature,Classification,Data Cleaning,Logistic Regression Classification
45.04M 186
百万首歌曲数据集 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Music,Artificial Intelligence Classification
1.53M 209
互联网究机构 (IRA) 社交媒体数据 Internet,Social Networks,Politics,United States,Russia Classification
10110.3M 207
56.17M 189
泰坦尼克号案例 Others Classification
3K 170
2019年《自然究》杂志发表文章 Earth and Nature,Exploratory Data Analysis Classification
1.23M 448
美国究生院#x27录取参数 Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.01M 187
优步供应需求案例 Others Classification
0.38M 152
讨会周6 Others Classification
14.08M 349
0.02M 223
究生入学 Universities and Colleges Classification
0.38M 429
欧盟议会办公室究后EE2014调查 Government,Europe Classification
59.68M 189
究论文 Education Classification
1.64M 275
可描述纹理数据集 (DTD),可供计算机视觉社区用于究目的 Our ability of vividly describing the content of images isa clear demonstration of the power of human visual system. Not...Others Classification
1.17G 265
疼痛的神经成像 Image Data,Medicine,Neuroscience Classification
397.5M 217
1000大麻基因组项目数据集 In October 2016, Phylos Bioscience released a genomic open dataset of approximately 850 strains of Cannabis via the Open...Agriculture,Biology,Bigquery,Plants Classification
100K 581
点击 Others Classification
259.96M 28
COVID 19开放究数据集挑战赛(CORD 19) Business,Computer Science,Biology,Coronavirus,NLP,Public Health Classification
27148.7M 206
究文章数据集 Earth and Nature,NLP,Research Classification
31.44M 200