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声音预测数据 Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems,Classification,Deep Learning Classification
33.24M 177
2017 2018 SHSAT 入学考试学校提供 Arts and Entertainment,Education,Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges,Games,Socrata,Demographics Classification
0.04M 524
OANC 顶级本体学Schema.org注释 Arts and Entertainment,News,Literature Classification
906.94M 445
谷歌自基地实体矢量 Software Classification
5442.16M 226
基蒂 A. h 和 G. f Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
168.47M 187
声音 0712 随机电子 Others Classification
297.17M 229
90.7M 192
声音 mfcc Others Classification
534.48M 237
声音另一个 Others Classification
18.2M 194
声音 10 倍 Others Classification
182.06M 200
声音提交 Others Classification
830.77M 239
声音:基于内容的音频检索 Software,Music,Linguistics Classification
699.36M 557
2017年经济自指数 Economics Classification
0.03M 192
蔬菜 (谷歌 Word2vec 自库,. tsv 文件) Vegetables (Google Word2Vec Freebase, .tsv file)...NLP,Computer Science,Food Classification
20G 707
蔬菜(谷歌Word2Vec自基) Food,NLP Classification
4872.67M 202
以出境为理的移民分布 Others Classification
0.01M 153
日语-英语字幕语料库(JESC)[CLEANED],280万个句子组成的大型语料库 This dataset is cleaned version of JESC by handling misplelled English words and doing word segmentation using:English=...NLP,Business,Computer Science,Languages Classification
220.08M 302
德国自职业者文学学士 Business,Internet,NLP,Classification,Exploratory Data Analysis,Data Cleaning,Clustering Classification
5.76M 222
维基百科Word2Vec,Apache Spark word2vec200K维基百科页面培训 I used Apache Spark to extract more than 6 million phrases from 200,000 English Wikipedia pages. Here is the process of...NLP,Business,Earth and Nature,Text Mining Classification
132.74M 356