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用于推荐系统的HypeMachine用户收藏夹数据集 Hypemachine 是一个在线音乐共享平台,提供多种声音供人们欣赏。用户可以播放和喜爱的歌曲,并通过提要在他们的朋友之间分享。我...Computer Science,Recommender Systems Classification
203M 567
猫图像数据集,用于识别是否是猫,图像是全彩色的 有一些伟大的计算机视觉 Kaggle 竞赛,你可以用来测试和发展你的技能。一般来说,你会发现比赛最容易练习你的第一课技能的地方:...Classification,Computer Science,Image Data,Binary Classification,Animals Classification
3.04M 563
156.47M 664
用于数据挖掘和机器学习的神奇宝贝,所有神奇宝贝统计数据直到第 6 代:每个神奇宝贝 21 个变量 With the rise of the popularity of machine learning, this is a good opportunity to share a wide database of the even mor...Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Anime and Manga,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
780K 458
用于创建播放列表的音频功能 Software,Music Classification
0.65M 368
用于Interview的数据 Others Classification
59.98M 373
用于姿态重建的定位数据,五个人佩戴定位标签时的记录 These datums represent a multi-agent system for the care of elderly people living at home on their own, with the aim to...Action/Event Detection,Music,Biotechnology Classification
20.55M 485
狗种分类器,用于构建具有狗和人图像的狗应用程序的数据集 Dog-Breed classifier Dataset for building the Dog app having dog and human images...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
1.2G 642
用户面部的掩码数据集(可能不包括身体),该数据集用于将人群与背景图像分开 This data is a mask of user face (might not include body). It does not contain Image file. Therefore should use with [Sh...Image Data,Computer Vision,People Classification
6.58G 515
用于可视化的神圣文本 Religion and Belief Systems,Philosophy Classification
7.54M 359
Ga 列车 v2 用于测试 Others Classification
48.86M 307
用于签名验证的权重 Earth and Nature Classification
76.42M 353
PLAsTiCC 测试仪经典特征,以往研究中用于光变曲线分类的共同特征 This dataset is a collection of extracted time series features from the test set of the PLAsTiCC challenge. The features...Feature Engineering,Time Series Analysis,Astronomy Classification
9.02G 499
8.72M 305
ufw 数据集用于 pca Business,Earth and Nature Classification
3.17M 342
国际家具配件销售,用于在 RStudio 和 R 中制作世界地图的数据集 国际家具配件销售,用于在 RStudio 和 R 中制作世界地图的数据集...Business,Data Visualization,Data Analytics,Geography Classification
87K 767
植物病虫害数据集,应用于从叶片分析植物的疾病 植物病虫害数据集,应用于从叶片分析植物的疾病The different versions of the dataset are present in the raw directory :colo...Others Classification
3.1G 802
疟疾细胞图像数据集,用于检测疟疾的细胞图像 ContentThe dataset contains 2 foldersInfectedUninfectedAnd a total of 27,558 images.AcknowledgementsThis Dataset is take...Medical,Health Conditions Classification
336.7M 419
用于分析的神奇宝贝数据集 Others Classification
0.04M 219
注释的命名实体识别数据集,用于预测化学实体的命名实体识别数据集 This corpus is divided into training, validation and evaluation. All of them contains tokens extracted using ChemTok app...Business Classification
39.48M 924