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自我成的 Others Classification
55.71M 197
调查 Education Classification
0M 403
考试成绩可视化 Standardized Testing Classification
0.07M 297
葡萄产量与平均长季温度的关系 创建此数据集是为了帮助讨论葡萄产量与葡萄生长季节平均温度之间可能存在的相关性。触发因素是2019年1月27日AAWE发布的一条推特...Agriculture Classification
0.1K 616
费用预测 Exploratory Data Analysis,Regression Classification
0.31M 222
可再能源发电 Government,Energy,United States,Renewable Energy Classification
0.01M 381
世界出率/死亡率 Others Classification
0.02M 76
美国发大规模枪击案 Law,Politics,Crime,Mental Health Classification
0.18M 429
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)42分钟的咆哮|文本 Business,Online Communities,Politics,NLP Classification
0.02M 289
IITJEE NEET AIIMS学提问数据 In India, every year lacs of students sit for competitive examinations like JEE Advanced, JEE Mains, NEET, etc. These ex...NLP,Classification,Education,Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges,Multiclass Classification Classification
28.51M 317
GENIA物医学事件数据集 ContextBio-medical texts have a lot of information which can be used for developments in the medical field. Traditionall...NLP,Biology,Text Mining,Medicine Classification
2.67M 597
矛盾的,我亲爱的华翻译的文本 NLP,Classification,Text Data Classification
9.47M 273
矛盾的是,我亲爱的华 Computer Science,NLP,Text Data,Beginner Classification
18.02M 321
德国学对其大学的评论进行分类标注数据集 对于每个想要学习的人来说,大学的选择起着很大的作用。其他学生的评论对他们的最终决定非常有用。Contentid: SQL incremental i...Classification,Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
43M 392
语言成数据集:2亿个样本,用于语言成的已处理Amazon Review数据集 Amazon Customer Reviews Dataset is a dataset of user-generated product reviews on the shopping website Amazon. It contai...NLP,Business,Deep Learning,Classification,Artificial Intelligence Classification
20.51G 414
肠炎沙门氏菌血清型EN1660蛋白质组谱数据 H-NS is a nucleoid structuring protein and global repressor of virulence and horizontally-acquired genes in bacteria. H-...Others Classification
5.14G 614
大鼠蝙蝠异种移植可恢复PCOS小鼠的育能力和代谢健康 Supplementary dataset 1与F0模型小鼠中的PCOS组相比,该文件包含RTM、MTM和对照组中所有230个重叠DEG(图6A和B)的数据集。它有...Plant,Environment,Environment Classification
0.99M 594
ScanRefer数据:使用自然语言在RGB-D扫描中进行3D对象定位 IntroductionWe introduce the task of 3D object localization in RGB-D scans using natural language descriptions.As input,...Others Classification
58.59M 755
多视角沙发图片数据 多视角沙发图片,可用于基于视觉的三维重建...N/A N/A
3.83M 252