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MultitaskPainting100k数据集 用于艺术风格AIGC生成 The dataset used for the evaluation of our multitask deep multibranch neural network has been obtained from the Painter...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Art,RNN 2D Box,Classification
51.2G 700
SUSY数据集,蒙特卡罗模拟生成的数据集,加速器中的粒子探测器测量的运动学特性及功能 Daniel Whiteson daniel '@', Assistant Professor, PhysicsAstronomy, Univ. of California IrvineData Set In...Physical Classification
842M 903
波形数据库生成器(版本2)数据集 Data Set Information:Notes: -- 3 classes of waves -- 40 attributes, all of which include noise-- The latter 19 attribute...Physical Classification
496K 905
微软生成神经视觉艺术家数据集,用于生成神经视觉艺术家 GeNeVA 任务包括一个叙述者,为绘画者提供一系列语言指令,以达到图像生成的最终目标。叙述者能够通过生成图像的视觉反馈来衡量...Arts and Entertainment Classification
9G 888
中国传统山水画数据集,可用于艺术品生成模型 目前基于GAN的艺术生成方法由于对条件输入的依赖而产生非原创的艺术作品。在这里,我们提出了Sketch-And-Paint GAN(SAPGAN),...Action/Event Detection Classification
63.11M 1029
波形数据库生成器(版本1)数据集 Original Owners:Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A.,Stone,C.J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth...Physical Classification
496K 824
物理不可压缩函数数据集,k-XOR仲裁器PUFs模拟生成两个数据集 Attribute Information:There are two datasets generated from k-XOR Arbiter PUFs simulation: (1) 5-XOR_128bit dataset: Thi...Physical Classification
152M 613
AutoUniv数据集,用于分类任务的高级数据生成 Data Set Information:The user first creates a classification model and then generates classified examples from it.To cre...N/A Classification
7.72M 794
AI 生成艺术的文档 Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.25M 240
GCSE 考试成绩,预测学生成绩数据集 These are the previous GCSE examination grades for the last four years at an English Underperforming School. The idea is...Education,Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
70K 489
生成绩预测数据集 This data approach student achievement in secondary education of two Portuguese schools. The data attributes include stu...Beginner,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis,Earth and Nature,Education,Linear Regression,Automobiles and Vehicles,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
41K 801
生成的单元格 Others Classification
15.55M 235
最小 2 max10 e2 w 生成全局 Arts and Entertainment,Internet Classification
78.01M 291
生成预测 News Classification
0.14M 291
Meme 生成器数据集 Internet Classification
16.56M 222
生成绩记录 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.05M 359
一百万个随机生成的 IBA Others Classification
29.98M 144
猫面对 64x64 (对于生成模型) Software,Image Data,Art,GAN Classification
48.18M 372
自我生成 Others Classification
55.71M 194
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)42分钟的咆哮|文本生成 Business,Online Communities,Politics,NLP Classification
0.02M 286