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航海日志(1750-1850) 在十八世纪中期到十九世纪,在开阔的海洋中航行是一项不精确的,而且常常是危险的壮举。为了计算他们每天的进度,避免在未知的地...Environment,Environment,Atmospheric Science Classification
18.54M 501
231.72M 458
污染项目数据 Environment Classification
0.07M 306
年度土地占用率(路易莎平台REF2014) Environment,Europe Classification
0.07M 319
欧洲和世界洪水灾害地图数据集 欧洲和世界洪水灾害地图数据集这是来自欧盟开放数据门户网站托管的联合研究中心的数据集。...Environment,Environment,Europe Classification
909M 726
欧洲极端风暴潮水位数据 Environment,Europe Classification
4.36M 324
大气(MAPPE模型)数据 Atmospheric Science,Europe Classification
1590.98M 306
地理数据 Others Classification
1.15M 529
landmark-recognition-2019 地理标识图像数据 landmark-recognition-2019 地理标识图像数据...Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.46G 254
美国地理代码数据集 United States,Geography Classification
3.07M 280
地震资料 Geology Classification
74.49M 202
LANL地震实验p4581声学数据,来自两个通道的 int16 声学数据流 LANL地震实验p4581声学数据,来自两个通道的 int16 声学数据流...Environment,Computer Science,Geology Classification
17.49G 549
2018年开普敦气象数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Norman AsugoReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents# Co...Atmospheric Science Classification
0.06M 251
OpenAddresses - 美国南部,美国南部的地址和地理位置 OpenAddresses's goal is to connect the digital and physical worlds by sharing geographic coordinates, street names,...Business Classification
3.4G 235
荷兰天气 Atmospheric Science Classification
0.51M 388
野火遥感3D图像 # DatasetThis dataset was created by C_MReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the following...Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.98M 271
全息时期的火山爆发 Geology Classification
0.25M 452
恶劣天气数据清单,2015年基于NEXRAD雷达数据的冰雹风暴单体探测 The Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) is an integrated database of severe weather records for the United States. Seve...Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
698M 330
有害空气污染物 Social Issues and Advocacy,Environment,Pollution Classification
2347.61M 266
野火 / 非野火 - FastAI Others Classification
1409.01M 251