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猫和的图像数据集,包含测试、训练、验证图像 猫和狗的图像数据集,包含测试、训练、验证图像数据结构:1、test_set------cats------dogs2、train_set------cats------dogs3、...Arts and Entertainment Classification
430.8M 1183
A2D:多个角色类别的动作识别数据集(成人,婴儿,鸟,猫和 Overiew: Can humans fly? Emphatically no. Can cars eat? Again, absolutely not. Yet, these absurd inferences result from...Action/Event Detection 2D Panoptic Segmentation
1.53G 1154
猫和的图像数据集 猫和狗的图像数据集...Animal Classification
817.76M 748
Dog VS Cat 猫和数据集2 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mahlet BorenaReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following f...Animal Classification
133.2M 620
猫和数据集 猫和狗数据集...Arts and Entertainment Classification
543.7M 569
和猫 #数据集此数据集由hellokugo#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:Version1(500.01 kB)calendar_view_weeksubmission_file.csv...Arts and Entertainment Classification
202K 500
-不是热 Arts and Entertainment Classification
46.31M 528
和猫图片数据,图像分类 狗和猫图片数据,图像分类...Online Communities Classification
435M 507
的品种分类数据集 狗的品种分类数据集...Animal Classification
695M 901
重新安排猫测试数据集 Education Classification
272.34M 485
训练重新排列数据集 猫狗训练重新排列数据集...Animal Classification
1.07G 500
Pytorch的vs猫图像数据集 Pytorch的狗vs猫图像数据集...Animal Classification
1.1G 881
数据集 猫狗数据集...Animal Classification
110.74M 869
猫和数据集,包含训练数据、验证数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by birajsth# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Animal Classification
131M 438
猫和图像样本数据集 猫和狗图像样本数据集...Animal Classification
547.2M 752
猫与的重新组合转移特征,用预先训练的Keras CNN模型创建的特征 Most machine learning courses start by implementing a fully-connected Deep Neural Network (DNN) and proceed towards Conv...Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Image Data,Transfer Learning Classification
1.17G 370
种分类器,用于构建具有和人图像的应用程序的数据集 Dog-Breed classifier Dataset for building the Dog app having dog and human images...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
1.2G 484
对比的数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Vikas Kamath MReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Animal Classification
586.98M 430
Vscats Arts and Entertainment Classification
545.42M 323
与猫 - 训练,有效与评价 Animal Classification
549.7M 301