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美国国家洋和大气管理局气候法线 Business,Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
76127.5M 225
马里亚纳沟的地貌 Geology Classification
0M 194
马里亚纳沟的形态学 Biology,Earth Science Classification
0M 200
马里亚纳沟的测深(25个配置文件) Earth Science,Geology,Geography Classification
0.12M 199
用于机器学习的 MovieLens 20M Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Deep Learning,Recommender Systems Classification
364.56M 248
西姆 Others Classification
9.3M 266
啸历史 Others Classification
0.52M 196
洋碎片 1 月到 7 月 Earth and Nature,Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
6.45M 265
Others Classification
0.74M 563
地中SSL数字证书 Animal Classification
1756.65M 221
包含 5000 张电影报的 IMDB 数据集 #数据集此数据集由Nazima#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
551K 424
峡时报索引数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,News,Finance,Investing,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
0.14M 182
带列名称的鲍鱼数据集 Business Classification
0.09M 558
TMDB 票房预测 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1928.94M 198
岸的距离 Others Classification
802.2M 148
伦眼数据集 Earth and Nature,Health Classification
450.84M 411
南极洲的阿蒙森低 Earth Science,Atmospheric Science,Antarctica Classification
0.02M 188
301.28M 300
科技 Others Classification
166.11M 157
绵宝宝成绩单 Arts and Entertainment,NLP Classification
4.85M 233