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试BU c Others Classification
1K 39
Twitter情绪分析数据集 ContextThe objective of this task is to detect hate speech in tweets. For the sake of simplicity, we say a tweet contain...Classification,Social Networks Classification
1.89M 614
基蒂路/车道检评估2013 Others Classification
456.87M 237
视频预数据 Music Analysis Classification
1630.76M 464
真假人脸检,辨别真假人脸图像 When using social networks, have you ever encountered a 'fake identity'? Anyone can create a fake profile image...Online Communities,Image Data,Universities and Colleges,Binary Classification Classification
215.33M 376
贷款违约预 Others Classification
119.1M 243
医生费用预 Exploratory Data Analysis,Regression Classification
0.31M 211
法国汽车索赔数据集,预司机一年内提交保险索赔的频率 ContextIn the dataset freMTPL2freq risk features and claim numbers were collected for 677,991 motor third-part liability...Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance Classification
30.07M 880
图像 Image Data Classification
31.7M 226
移动支付服务欺诈预 Others Classification
470.67M 515
X射线检 Others Classification
529.54M 586
软件缺陷预 Computer Science,Software Classification
1.65M 822
贷款预 Others Classification
0.04M 588
试护墙板底座 Others Classification
39.66M 118
到2060年的GDP预,经合组织国家和世界 Business,Social Science Classification
0.21M 234
7.16M 207
文本语料数据集,包含所有《宋飞》剧集脚本的文本语料库 ContextSeinfeld is my favorite TV show. I wrote a script to scrape the scripts of all Seinfeld episodes from the site se...Text Data Classification
1.41M 551
人脸检MobileNetV2 Others Classification
5.86M 469
图像AI:目标检 Computer Science,Programming,Computer Vision Classification
146.32M 529
荷兰城市数据(试) Economics,Politics,Demographics Classification
0.03M 279