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房价预数据集(包含训练和试数据集) 房价预测数据集(包含训练和测试数据集)...Business Classification
890K 867
试数据集 01 Others Classification
0.02M 255
试文件 Others Classification
0.06M 606
试问题 Others Classification
0.06M 259
金融领域预取消赎回权的概率数据集 India is a diversified financial sector undergoing rapid expansion, both in terms of strong growth of existing financial...Business,Banking Classification
327M 349
18.31M 326
新业务预 Business Classification
304.55M 258
试 V2 Others Classification
260.58M 241
房地产价格预 Real Estate Classification
0.02M 349
文件1 Others Classification
11444.2M 649
空气质量 Aviation Classification
0.27M 245
安娜 · 卡列尼娜书 Literature,Text Data,LSTM Classification
1.93M 333
试集 Others Classification
1.29M 469
脑图像 Image Data Classification
71.91M 294
试图 Others Classification
132.99M 235
皮尔逊'的父亲和儿子身高数据 Text Data,Beginner,Linear Regression Classification
0.01M 340
AE - 分类 Animal Classification
0.64M 295
GCSE 考试成绩,预学生成绩数据集 These are the previous GCSE examination grades for the last four years at an English Underperforming School. The idea is...Education,Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
70K 484
马里亚纳海沟的深(25个配置文件) Earth Science,Geology,Geography Classification
0.12M 240
空气质量监数据集(巴基斯坦) AQM This dataset has around 11000 samples that was collected for a week of August 2018. This dataset had the following attri...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
2.2M 438