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大气中的气体平、灰尘平和温度的自然变化数据集 Contains Vostok Ice Core Data for 420,000 Years. The data covers the last 4 ice age cycles. Data can be used to study na...Atmospheric Science Classification
164K 455
按方法捕获 Computer Science,Energy,Weather and Climate Classification
0.02M 258
用于对象检测的果图像,含有标记的果图像,用于训练物体检测系统 This dataset is the data used in this project.ContextA different dataset for object detection. 240 images in train folde...Image Data,Food,Computer Vision Classification
29.72M 547
西瓜数据集(包含色泽、根蒂、敲声、纹理、脐部、触感等) 西瓜数据集(包含色泽、根蒂、敲声、纹理、脐部、触感等)...Earth and Nature Classification
3K 586
维克多·雨果 文本 Computer Science,Literature,Linguistics Classification
0.1M 319
Food Classification
0M 758
孟加拉国历史降雨量数据(1970-2016) Earth Science,Weather and Climate Classification
16.35M 769
地下未来利用的可用性 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 221
预测点的功能 Others Classification
16.05M 322
洗发的销售 Others Classification
1K 269
西雅图下雨了吗?(1948-2017) Arts and Entertainment,News,Weather and Climate,United States,North America Classification
0.73M 320
0.01M 643
意大利威尼斯的 Travel Classification
12.04M 763
洛杉矶利电力部绩效指标 Business,Socrata,Energy Classification
0.04M 276
圣保罗的雨#xE3;圣保罗 Others Classification
0.47M 608
全球产养殖进出口 Business,Fish and Aquaria Classification
0.31M 254
2010-2018 年蔬菜和果数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mridul Pandey# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
18.78M 578
机组 #数据集此数据集由Varat7v9#内容创建。它包含以下文件:...Industry Classification
34.5K 504
8 从fruit360数据集中选择8种水果训练数据集。内容里面的不仅仅是行和列。通过描述您如何获取数据以及数据所代表的时间段,让其他...Education Classification
18.8M 523
果数据 Food Classification
0.01M 375