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1872至2020年的40000场国际足球比赛结果数据集 1872年至2020年的国际足球成绩超过40,000个国际足球比赛结果的最新数据集。该数据集包括从1972年的第一场正式比赛到2019年的41,5...Sports Classification
534K 1204
网球大赛比赛统计数据集 Shruti JauhariDepartment of Computer ScienceRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester, NY 14623eMail: sxj6633 '@...N/A Classification
46.8K 1520
每日幻想篮球赛-DraftKings NBA,DraftKings NBA每日幻想篮球比赛的数据集 In Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) contests, contestants construct a virtual lineup of players that score points based on the...Basketball,Optimization Classification
808.09M 710
TD比赛第7、8、9天 TD比赛第7、8、9天的数据集数据结构为:day_7_8_9.csv...Business Classification
1021M 413
纽约市的汽油零售价数据集,纽约市出租车旅行时长比赛 ContextThis is data is extracted for New York City Taxi Trip Duration competition. After chatting with a taxi driver in...Oil and Gas Classification
4.56K 613
从2014年到2018年的NBA球队比赛数据 #上下文此数据集非常适合使用分类模型来了解每个统计类别对胜负的影响内容游戏:1。第2组。第三场比赛。日期4。主页5。对手6。输...Data Visualization,Data Cleaning,Sports,Logistic Regression,Games,Basketball Classification
419K 529
PBA比赛得分(1980-1999) Sports,Games,Basketball Classification
0.29M 521
网球比赛制图计划 Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Tennis Classification
228.97M 741
伍德拜赛马比赛结果 Gambling Classification
1.33M 445
互动小说比赛参赛者 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Literature Classification
0.1M 680
用于ATP和ITF投注的大型网球数据集,一个包含超过200万场网球比赛和博彩数据的数据集 ContextThis dataset contains a large number of tennis matches from ATP and ITF leagues. Specifically, matches are availa...Sports,Tennis Classification
872.81M 793
c罗对梅西的比赛 Football Classification
0.2M 424
TMDB比赛额外的训练数据 Business,Education Classification
1.18M 701
详细的NFL比赛数据2009-2018 Sports Classification
1164.39M 365
0.01M 429
皇室战争比赛,包含 Clash Royale 比赛统计数据的数据集 Every line in the dataset represents the stats of a match (the deck of two player, some players stats, the result of the...Sports Classification
396.2M 601
Beat The Bookie:赔率系列足球数据集,+500,000 场比赛,来自 1,005 个联赛的 32 个博彩公司的 11 年赔率数据集 The online sports gambling industry employs teams of data analysts to build forecast models that turn the odds at sports...Sports,Football,Gambling Classification
84.34M 611
欧洲足球数据库,欧洲职业足球的25k+比赛、球员和球队属性 What you get:+25,000 matches+10,000 players11 European Countries with their lead championshipSeasons 2008 to 2016Players...Business,Sports,Games,Football,Europe Classification
298.59M 360
按县分的 ACS 比赛 Law Classification
14.99M 264
奥迪板球比赛 Cricket Classification
2.24M 328