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MDB-WIKI – 500k+ 张带有年龄和性别标签的人脸图像 To the best of our knowledge this is the largest publicly available dataset of face images with gender and age labels fo...Person,Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
280G 574
食物图片,从苹果派到华夫饼的 101 个类别中的标签食品图像数据 OverviewThe dataset contains a number of different subsets of the full food-101 data. The idea is to make a more excitin...Business,Earth and Nature,Food,Multiclass Classification,Cooking and Recipes Classification
5.3G 453
现实世界中的情感脸谱多标签数据集 人类的面部表现往往是以不同基本情绪的组合、混合或复合的形式出现。Real-world Affective Faces Multi Label (RAF-ML)是一个多...Person,Face Classification
32.39M 779
animals with attributes 50种动物类别的标签图像数据集 它由50种动物类别的37322张图像组成,每张图像均具有预先提取的特征表示。这些类与Osherson的经典类/属性矩阵[3,4]对齐,从而为...Animal 2D Box
1.65G 1591
腾讯AI-lab多标签图像数据集,最大的开源多标签图像数据库 1、ML-Images数据集的全部图像URLs,以及相应的类别标注。出于原始图像版权的考虑,此次开源将不直接提供原始图像,用户可利用我...Image Search Classification
1.7G 755
KKBOX搅动scala标签 #数据集此数据集由InfiniteWing在CC0:Public Domain#Contents下发布创建。它包含以下文件:Version2(89.99 MB)calendar_view_we...Business Classification
55.5M 383
标签#veja推文 Internet,Online Communities Classification
0.13M 374
标签 Business Classification
0M 293
用于命名实体识别的标注语料库,使用BIO和POS标签注释的语料库 Annotated (BIO) Corpus for Named Entity RecognitionThis corpus is made up of texts of news sites and built specifically...Business,Arts and Entertainment,Literature,Languages Classification
2.21M 446
标签属性 Others Classification
14.11M 338
宝莱坞歌词贴上标签 Movies and TV Shows Classification
5.8M 321
维基百科的标签:人身攻击 Business,Internet,Linguistics Classification
100.25M 341
蜜蜂图像数据集,注释的蜜蜂图像;带有位置、日期、健康和更多标签的蜜蜂 Every third bite of food relies on pollination by bees. At the same time, this past winter honeybee hive losses have exc...Agriculture,Image Data,Biology,Animals,Environment Classification
52.2M 389
用于姿态重建的定位数据,五个人佩戴定位标签时的记录 These datums represent a multi-agent system for the care of elderly people living at home on their own, with the aim to...Action/Event Detection,Music,Biotechnology Classification
20.55M 360
siim acr气胸分割数据集,完整数据集(DICOM + PNG + 标签 Data structuresinput/traininput/test : contains DICOM filesinput/train.imagesinput/test/images : contains .png imagestra...Medical,Health 2D Box,Classification
7.89G 583
Mac Morpho,带有词性标签的巴西葡萄牙语新闻文本 The canonical metadata on NLTK:packageid=mac_morphoname=MAC-MORPHO:BrazilianPortuguesenewstextwithpart-of-speechtagswebp...Earth and Nature Classification
10.43M 608
GD 列车 2 r1 标签 Others Classification
1810.72M 235
开放食品产品及其标签的图片,来自150个国家的60多万个产品 The dataset contains a single table, FoodFacts, in CSV form in FoodFacts.csv and in SQLite form in database.sqlite.The c...Earth and Nature,Alcohol,Nutrition Classification
963.46M 285
卫星图像标签 Image Data Classification
1.72M 241
Instacart 示例标签 Others Classification
0.48M 315