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0.02M 392
Beat The Bookie:赔率系列足球数据集,+500,000 场比赛,来自 1,005 个联赛的 32 个博彩公司的 11 年赔率数据集 The online sports gambling industry employs teams of data analysts to build forecast models that turn the odds at sports...Sports,Football,Gambling Classification
84.34M 632
足球和篮球的主场优势,来自全球88个联赛的9K+球队的主客场表现 The data set includes information about different leagues in different sports (Basketball and Soccer) all around the wor...Sports,Football,Basketball Classification
0.79M 439
来自旧金山的案例数据 311 Crime Classification
636.07M 365
来自 Ga 演示的报告 Others Classification
0.79M 317
350 000+来自 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows Classification
192.15M 340
五三八酒精消费数据集,探索来自FiveThrityEight的数据 This folder contains the data behind the story Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine And Sp...Business,Alcohol Classification
5K 520
开放食品产品及其标签的图片,来自150个国家的60多万个产品 The dataset contains a single table, FoodFacts, in CSV form in FoodFacts.csv and in SQLite form in database.sqlite.The c...Earth and Nature,Alcohol,Nutrition Classification
963.46M 407
17 000 + 来自 JVC 的视频游戏评论 Games,Video Games Classification
10.1M 342
来自 UCI 的种子 Food,Beginner,Clustering Classification
0.01M 274
医疗保险D部分阿片类药物处方者摘要文件,探索来自CMS的公开数据 This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for MedicareMedicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform...Socrata,Drugs and Medications Classification
296.32M 401
来自企业应用程序的原始操作数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Software Classification
23493.3M 274
来自 24,000+的 ARXIV 数据 Earth and Nature,Education,Deep Learning,Computer Vision,Neural Networks,Research,Reinforcement Learning Classification
69.07M 225
来自 MG/BR 的推文 Online Communities Classification
1.76M 211
单细胞RNA Seq来自史托基乌斯等人2017年 Biology,Healthcare Classification
39.93M 609
来自多站点 MRI 数据集的 QC 指标 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Neuroscience Classification
3.06M 250
关于来自一 Others Classification
0.43M 568
来自客户的实时语音呼叫质量数据 Internet,India,Mobile and Wireless Classification
5.52M 252
2008-2015 年来自英国或在英国登陆的渔船的数据集 来自海洋管理组织的所有英国船舶在港口登陆或外国船舶在英国港口登陆的数据。该数据集包含有关渔获物的数据,以及渔获物的重量和...Business,Water Transport Classification
9.35M 396
来自融资平台的情绪分析 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Finance Classification
19.01M 504