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内华达修订的法规 Law,Government,United States Classification
81.44M 252
纽约文化构的街区和地段 Earth and Nature,Socrata,History,Dance Classification
0.03M 323
2013年纽约场的航班 Aviation Classification
25.18M 84
Elize软件工程实践项目 Computer Science,Programming,Science and Technology Classification
1989.6M 334
0.03M 246
JetBrains开发商调查2017和2018 Computer Science,Programming,Survey Analysis Classification
77.43M 557
yolov3内核的数据 Computer Science,Deep Learning,Computer Vision,CNN,Neural Networks Classification
284.18M 331
器学习 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
4.66M 504
Microsoft恶意软件 AvSigVersion威胁详细信息 Computer Science,Internet Classification
60.97M 543
英国军队军事法庭 Government,Crime,Military,Statistical Analysis Classification
1.79M 385
孟加拉语手写字符数据集 Image Data,Deep Learning,Computer Vision,Linguistics Classification
0M 495
23和Me2VCF Computer Science,Programming Classification
48.37M 439
IT工作 Computer Science,Programming,Science and Technology Classification
0.41M 479
kmnist发电 Others Classification
29.61M 567
计算视觉书籍的图像 Art Classification
50.92M 268
纽约多构许可证 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Government Classification
1106.39M 214
法国汽车索赔数据集,预测司一年内提交保险索赔的频率 ContextIn the dataset freMTPL2freq risk features and claim numbers were collected for 677,991 motor third-part liability...Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance Classification
30.07M 924
器学习在行动 Earth and Nature Classification
0.07M 217
软件缺陷预测 Computer Science,Software Classification
1.65M 886
腌制爬虫 300D 2M用于果仁比赛 Computer Science,Food Classification
2433.63M 769